Certainly, couldn't be because light loafers Trudeau has forest fires raging from a lack of forestry skills, it MUST be the pizza ovens
This is a world class ignorant statement. Since I graduated in Forestry in 1967 the acreage burned in the US on a annual basis has quadrupled….nothing to do with forest management or lack there of. The number of people living in fire prone rural areas is one reason. The other is climate change for those who want trouble themselves bye examining climate records. Canada is much the same, although much of the acreage burning is non commercial conifer boreal forest that really is not managed…either in Canada or Alaska or Siberia. I’m sure Trudeau would not mind if an army of conservatives wanted to spend futile lifetimes picking up dead branches to turn a tiny acreage into a mosquito infested “park”
Climate change? Say hi to little Greta for us BWAHAHA Source: Government of Canada Climate change sure doesn't explain that 25 years of declining deforestation, huh, nor does the population of boreal forest regions explain a DECLINING deforestation rate
A fine harvest of red herring. Nobody said deforestation is relevant to the issue. Climate change and associated extreme weather events makes forests more susceptible to fires. This is a big deal to forests with low intensity management such as the boreal forests of high latitudes such as Canada and Alaska. These forests are slow growing and storing carbon in regenerated forests will not be speedy even tho the acreage of forest land remains the same.
According to climate change activists, the world was supposed to come to an end earlier this year. 50 years of predictions that the climate apocalypse is nigh 50 years of predictions that the climate apocalypse is nigh (nypost.com)