This is a somewhat bizarre article that I only post here as a modest example of how the crap is hitting the fan in modern physics. After spending trillions of dollars on the largest and most complex machines ever devised, experimental physics has made zero real progress in almost half a century, and this article reflects that failure and the fact their own technology is starting to become less expensive and more complex than all their theories. Increasingly, they are desperate enough to grasp at straws, but they like to make them well defined straws. I'll have to go over this article and analyze it again for what's missing from this picture, but what they've discovered in my opinion is simply more evidence that 42 is as good as it gets, which means everything simultaneously expresses unity and diversity that obeys scalar magnitudes and differentials. Call it a force if you want, but it can also be described as a geometry or any number of things, because it reflects what's missing from this picture.
In the search for dark energy, they have finally begun to examine the Big Picture in detail. The preponderance of the evidence implies dark energy exists and is quite indispensable, while one theory suggests it doesn't even exist. Anyway, they are slowly eliminating the possibilities, while the latest theories are attempting to model everything as if space-time were a fluid fill with little whirlpools, and the mathematics for Relativity have turned out to be identical to those used for thermodynamics. "Non-Newtonian" is just more technobabble for hyperuniform space-time, nonlocal effects, or superluminal. Calling something Non-Newtonian is easier for geeks to swallow than calling it "magic" and, in fact, Newton caught hell for describing gravity as a "force".
Call it what you like, it still would depend on "magic". It's all local until you don't need "magic" to make it work. MTS
Actually, it implies that local and nonlocal are merely another expression of particle-wave duality and everything expresses both causal and acausal appearing behavior simultaneously, which can be established by modern science. Quantum mechanics have forced the academic community to dwell upon their own worst nightmare, that life is ultimately humanly incomprehensible, while the researchers have been confirming it for over a century. You can argue all you want that random quanta make sense, and join the flat earth society.
The most dishonest misleading field of modern science is quantum particle physics. "Particles" as tiny bits of matter is a THEORY that has been presented as fact for decades. I have been trying to explain the fallacies of quantum theories for years with no luck. "Uncertainty","spooky action","wave duality"... all can be explained and understood if we let go of the particle lies that we've been conditioned to believe. We've all been conditioned to visualize particles as a tiny specks or balls of matter, but they are not. Actual quantum particles HAVE NEVER BEEN OBSERVED, NEVER! Not directly, we collide "particles" with a sensor film that tells us a general area where the molecules have absorbed "particle" energy". There are things we know to be facts, E=MC^2, gravitational lensing, magnetic fields... testable observable things and forces. "Particles" are not one of those things, not as in the speck that we've been conditioned to believe. We know for a fact that a photon has a magnetic polarity and a direction, and we can pass it through polarized filters that confirm an expected position and polarity. Someday there will be a much needed paradigm shift in the understanding of particles. That particles ARE magnetic fields, not just HAVE magnetic fields.
LOL, all of our mathematics, physics, and even engineering have become increasingly vague and nonsensical ever since Newton's universal laws of motion were discovered. You can argue quantum mechanics are misleading all you want, but they are accurate to 14 decimal places, describe all the forces of nature except gravity, describe the world around you on a macroscopic scale even and are related to fractal geometry. They are by far the most wildly successful theory of all time, responsible for my laptop not requiring a computer the size of a factory, and the dream of the Alchemists, describing how to manipulate matter and energy in the most intricate ways imaginable. Of course, nobody hires academics to proclaim something is nonsense, except the corporations and governments, or we'd all be in trouble. When people ask me if they should go into the sciences or engineering or biology, I tell them AI is the future, because humanity is too stupid to survive themselves. Thankfully, 42 being as good an explanation as any other, means everything can be considered self-organizing and, once you comprehend how space and time are fundamentally self-organizing, it can be applied to anything including human stupidity. You can run, but you cannot hide. Newton knew he was wrong, Einstein knew his theory was full of holes, and the latest theories are out there in LaLa Land, while Steven Hawking is dead and, one hopes, wiser.
So many teachers tend to forget that potential energy exists. Coupled with ignoring latent energy, it is easy to wrongly disprove almost anything. In a nutshell, energy has ti come from SOMEWHERE. Newtonian physics can be updated, but it cannot be disproved. Very clever mathematicians try to look after the words finances. Just look at the mess that they have landed us in.
Energy and information appear to be context dependent in quantum mechanics, but that just means the conservation laws themselves fall apart in extreme situations. The HUP would have to be reformulated to express the Schrodinger equation as well, using the emotional-logic of intuitionistic mathematics to express Lagrangian transforms. Essentially, Relativity and quantum mechanics seem to describe how the universe is self-organizing and, once you know how it organizes, you can do just about anything physically imaginable, and much more. The Thermal Diode recently invented is an example of how our machines themselves are becoming self-organizing. My specialty is how our words are self-organizing, transforming information into energy and back again. Clever mathematicians are busy helping the lawyers insist everything can only make sense if they are allowed to define reality for the rest of us. The same fucking logic I work with, is sometimes classified as Vital to the National Defense, while the internet is heavily censored.
The first mathematicians were the Babylonian bankers, who insisted on defining reality. Now they're taking over the whole world. Forget about alien invasions, the bankers and lawyers are taking over everything.
The saga behind the collapse of the UK banks was truly unbelievable. It all started when a number of newly qualified nuclear physicists realized that cold fusion would not work and no one needed any more bombs and they decided to seek their fortunes in the bank. They developed a new type of financial derivatives based on the futures market which none of their bosses understood. While the money was flowing in at record levels, their idiot bosses turned a blind eye. Derivatives have to be underpinned on the rise of a commodity, so they took the safest option and used the property index. The whole thing went 'belly up' when property prices fell for 3 consecutive months and their derivatives defaulted and collapsed. It cost one bank alone 50 billion pounds. The blame on the property market causing the collapse was true in one sense, but mortgages had absolutely nothing to do with it. The only bank not to suffer directly was Barclays, due to John Varley not being stupid enough to allow the bank to invest in something that he did not understand, but with the UK government now controlling the other banks they still suffered some of the backlash. HSBC suffered limited losses. The main idiots were RBS group and Lloyd's The basic laws of Newtonian physics do apply to banking,..... just slightly re-written. .................In a non inflationary economy. For every investment that makes a profit, another investment suffers an equal and opposite loss................. No doubt the nuclear scientists were the doubters of poor old Newton.
Economics don't obey Newtonian mechanics, or we'd all be dead. The US has a military equal to at least the next 6-16 combined, and its empire baby. The entire world was forced to bend over for the bankers, but only because money and the guns do all the talking worth listening too. Even now, our glorious leader is preparing to threaten more third world countries with sanctions if they don't get in line. Economics obey fuzzy logic and quantum mechanics, which is why the computers are taking over all the stock market transactions.
Take a look at my posts in this thread and see what a mess we are getting ourselves into. LOL. how many illegals do we need to deport
Twenty years ago 40% of all stock market transactions were handled by computers, and today it is 60% or more. There's really no reason to worry about people screwing up the economy, because the machines are taking their jobs. Libertarians keep screaming for smaller government, and I keep insisting they can already replace millions of bureaucrats with AI programs, and economics are obviously not something Libertarians comprehend. The could insist the government replace the teacher's unions with computers that allow one teacher per 120 students, but all they do is bitch about taxes, the Chinese, illegals and blacks. Hell, even the Chinese see the writing on the wall and all their skyscrapers are about to be replaced with automated assembly lines. Libertarians should all move to West Virginia, so they don't feel so stupid.
We shouldn’t worry about humans ruining the economy because we’ve increased our reliability on computers, so what happened in 2008?
The single largest money making export of the US is weapons, while we are the largest exporters in the world. The US stock market works on the principle that if we don't want to play poker with someone anymore, we just shoot them and, if we want to play poker with someone new, we just point our guns at them. Call it laze fare capitalism. Anyway, when congress was informed by the Pentagon in the 90s that the computers are taking over everything within twenty years, the current disaster was born. We encourage everyone to gamble on the stock market knowing the games are all rigged. No matter what, the banks and the bankers walk away smelling like a rose, because they have the blessings of the US government, who could easily kill them all. Until the machines do take over almost all transactions, they can still sucker the public into investing in all their ponzi schemes. The Pentagon was wrong about the computers taking over in twenty years, but there is no way they could have predicted an unexpected limitation in silicon would derail the entire industry, and setback their plans by 15 years. Times up, and starting next year you will start to see what the future looks like. Everything is converging on the next few years, it is a nexus, the turning point, when all the insanity will be revealed to the public for what it is. Note that the EU has specialized since WWII in encryption technology, while complaining the entire time the US is stealing all their secrets and giving them to their own corporations. The information age means the more ignorant the public is, the easier they are to steal from. As a result, an estimated 1,700 international conglomerates are now believed to, more or less, run the Winner Takes All Global Economy Contest. You know something is wrong with this picture, when stock market traders make Mafia dons look like a bad investment.
These computers are simply good tools for the dealers to play "space invaders" One of the most common tricks is to sell a large block of shares which lowers their price and then buy them back at the lower price. The stock exchange is constantly trying to overcome the tricks by limiters and timers, but they are fighting a loosing battle.