I live in a town 210Km(130miles)north of the arctic circle in the Canadian arctic.In this town their are some public buildings such as the public library,hairstylists,dentists office and chuch just to name a few, that do not permit shoes in their buildiingso as to not dirty the floor with mud or make the floor wet with snow.In the winter time people must remove their boot when they enter.most people ware socks.But some like myself don"t ware sock go barefeet indoors.In the spring time it is vary mudy in town.I go to the libuary allmost everyday.During that time of the year I ware shoes and socks out doors but I take off my shoes and socks in any place where shoes are not permited.During the short arctic summer I"am a 24/7 barefooter outdoors as soon as the snow go"s away and it"s above O(32F)In the summer time It can get hot at times in Inuvik 30"s(90F)A lot of people ware sandlas during that time of year.So when they enter some buidings they must remove their sandlas and go barefoot but I am the only one that walks barefoot out doors in this town.All summer I only ware shorts,tie dye tank top ,love beads and peace sign with my birth day shoes.I wanted to get northwest territories licence plate number BAREFOOT or BAREFEET .But they only allow six letters or numbers so i picked the plate number PEACE for my car licence plate