I can't believe it... a local news station just did a story on a recent study done on marijuana and stated that most myths people believe about weed is not true, and weed does not cause psychological and socialogical problems among young users. I could have told them that...but just the fact that this is being reported in the news gives me hope...maybe i WILL see legalization in my lifetime.
holy jesus on a pogo stick are you serious?!?! and i have teachers at my JUNIOR high school preaching about this and following me around watching my every move b/c of it. man theyd better legalize it.
I'm pretty damn serious...they even showed a bunch of local kids smoking a joint together..and I live in the conservative as hell Bible Belt. Our local news normally makes Fox News look liberal. I was shocked as hell to see it, but it makes me pretty happy. The greatest thing was, when they were alluding to the story the news reporter said something like "find out the effects of marijuana from a new study done..coming up soon" and my mom was like "i'll tell you the effects of marijuana..it causes brain damange and kills your brain cells" and then they reported that and proved my mom wrong..i loved it.
mabye it will be like cigs, where its illegal for people to sell to minors, but not illegal for minors to possess it.
I'm looking forward to the day when I can go to the local shop and pick up a pack of joints. ***drool***
It will probably be decriminilized first like it is here in Canada in the next five years. Here you can have up to 14.9 grams in your posession and the cops can't touch you or your bag. If you have 15 to 29.9 grams you get fined 10$ a gram but no record and any thing over 30 grams is jail time. A major flaw in the law right now is that no age limit was set so you could be 5 and still carry stuff on you.
yeah, but I think it will probably be more like alcohol, illegal for minors to use/posess/etc. because it is much more mind-altering than cigarettes... solely because it puts you in a different state of mind...sure, cigs make you light-headed and a little relaxed, but not high i think a lot of people would be pissed if they made pot that legal...if you know what i mean
I definitely know she knows i've smoked before, I know she has an idea that I smoke on a regular basis, but I dont think she has a clue that I smoke every single day. Shes kinda weird about smoking though, whenever she alludes to knowing that I smoke, she acts like she doesn't care that much, but yet she still buys into all the propoganda about weed.
What news radio station? I want to get in touch with them and see if they could send me a copy of that report
It wasn't a news radio station, it was the local Fox station's nightly news (not affiliated with the big Fox News i dont think) heres a link to their webpage but I just went there and couldn't find a damn thing on it about the report.. www.whns.com
In a way, I kind of don't want it to become legalized. I mean, how will we control what manufacturers of joints (like tobacco manufacturers now) would put into it. They'd probably pump it full of so many chemicals that it would be addictive, it could kill, and then everyone's old paranoid view of it would be back.
multiple reasons: first, the marijuana would probably be really cheap, because its grown in large fields or whatever by huge companies... and if you grow indoors, it takes quite a bit of electricity second, they could keep growing it illegal, much like making your own alcohol/growing tobacco is illegal without some permit or something like that... and third, its a helluva lot easier to go buy some than wait months for your pot to grow