hola everyone! Compulsory introduction here annnnddd I like psychonauting and all of the associated subculture... Discussion and education about the use of psychedelcs both in a recreational setting as well as medicinal... Spent many years a slave to H, have kicked that habit for good (I hope)... Love the ups- all of em, the weird research chemically ones and the classic MA... Also newly interested in the chemistry involved- it is a beautiful and fascinating world that I really hope I can learn more about. Aight .✌️❤️
Welcome to the forums brother. Psychedelia is certainly a fascinating topic, and an enlightening one if approached with respect and honesty. Enjoy your stay and may you find what you seek Peace n love RH
Why, thank you! Modeled it after this fella with a middle name, Holyoak. Gold star sticker and 16 points to thy who names this reference!