Even if you dislike Trump people should acknowledge that this type of journalism ends up misinforming the public.
I'd 100% agree with that passage though, the way Americans are infatuated with negativity against the guy, it would be no surprise at all and actually too ingenious from a marketing perspective not to run with. Even after researching articles and finding an invalid lack of proof, the popularity of said article increases ten fold simply because people like the idea of being told what they want to think to begin with. Write an article about how Trump has.a KKK uniform sheet whatever in his closet. Offer not one shred of proof and watch it blow up simply because it's what people want to believe. Its just propaganda, it sells. News corporations go for misleading agendas for TV ratings. A newspaper article sells on a headline. Feed the people what they want and they'll eat, no matter what it costs. The banks are on you, tax agents, unions, dealerships, real estate.. Etc.. Etc.. And people somehow think a media outlet that charges over a million dollars for a second of air time ain't out to get a few bucks off you? Hahahahaha
If it's about Trump, it has to be true. I'm sure the facade will sprout truths in many years to come, it always does. Kind of like how you're taught the south's had slaves, but you weren't told so did the North and well after the war too. You didn't hear about that, it's conflicting against the agenda. Same with many things during WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. Years later the truth surfaces about stuff.
If a free press talks about you a lot there is a reason. Either there is information a free society needs to know or it's information they are interested in. Like you might want to know about cancer research or the queen of England. Trump is a celebrity with scandal thus why he's always discussed. And to some people for deep moral reasons. Some Americans fight for guns this is the important right. Some for free speech and press more so. We have many rights here worth protecting. And some note what scholars notice in Trump's behavior. Those who complain of a basis live a fantasy world where these scandals are not a big deal. Let's say he had won the election and had no scandals, no Russia, no strange tweets. It's unlikely he would make the news more than other presidents. He creates news though. It's not a deep state left leaning world that is just mad they lost. The free press that criticizes now is the same one that allowed daily Obama discussions from right wing news sources. So much so that to his voters it all seemed silly. Like let the man do his job. Yet Obama did not threaten the free press or even shut Fox News down as Fox suggested. The current president and his followers should keep in mind free speech means hearing what you don't like. The thing is that concept is foreign to Mr. Trump. In the kind of work he did before it did not happen. It really does not happen in most employee vs boss situations. He is America's employee now though. You can never please everybody no matter how good you are. Mentally stable people see this especially when working with the public. Narcissistic sociopaths do not. It's not a pussy left wing thing. It's really just common sense about keeping Ameirca what it is in my opinion.
Donald, you are so nice Donald, you once had lice But now, that time is gone And at this moment You wear a thong ....
Exactly, it's all about the strokin. It's amazing how readily so many of us are fooled when the story seems to go our way. It must feel amazing to people who actually slop up this slanted filth. What I can't get over is the momentum created by all this negative shit. Trump could send truckloads of food to starving people and the color of the containers (and how it confirms Trump's racism) will be the lede. And consider how much of this is programming to begin with. Look how often distortions are repeated. This is clearly to hammer the point home and not leave any room for discussion. For example, two cliches we hear in the courts are; "ignorance of the law is no excuse" which is a distortion in that it literally requires everyone to have a law degree. The other is "a defendant who represents himself has a fool for a client" which is a distortion as well since it's clearly designed to scare us all into the arms of lawyers. But these have been repeated for generations, so they seem "true". The press has shifted this shit into overdrive. It's getting to where the comments in news articles have more truth than the article. Which is kind of weird. We never really had this public perspective before. Even a letter to the editor was scrutinized BY the editor and rarely made it to print. Only the ones who toed the line made it through to the public.