New York City Sanctuary police forced release

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Beach Ball Lady Balls, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    New York sanctuary policy forced release of suspect in shocking murder
    alexcool likes this.
  2. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    And people don’t care unless it fits into their box!
  3. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    see this I find interesting. No one is really interested, nor cares, which is honest. I see there is a problem. This is not a white vs black vs Hispanic issue. It has nothing to do with skin colour, race or ethnicity.

    Those statistics, offences committed as well as listing where people were from, country of origins. Of course Mexico is going to be number one seeing as the countries neighbour one another. The offences listed ie.

    2085 kidnapping
    2028 murderers
    1739 Commercial sexual offences
    5350 Sexual assaults
    80730 DUI (in Canada this is a federal offence because drinking and driving can and does regularly kills or injures people)
    11766 Weapon offences
    50766 assaults
    6888 sexual offences not involving assault

    read the notes at the bottom of this chart. It tells you what immigration offences entail.

    and 352 Canadian citizens were in an ice facility, for who knows what and deported. I do not blame the USA for this,

    now, I am not sure about in the USA, but in Canada, if you are found with drugs crossing the border you are denied entry if the amount is small, you have the choice to withdraw your application to enter and leave or have it destroyed. Guns, not allowed, you can return or your weapon is confiscated. If the amount of drugs on you is larger and for trafficking, arrested. If they find you have a DUI on record, you are not allowed to enter, this is a felony. If they find any previous record pretty much you are denied entry,

    as a country as border security goes, I believe it is important to screen like this, might not be everyone, but cutting off the potential or denying on past offences is fair, this benefits every citizen within those borders of all ethnic backgrounds.

    if you commit a crime, you do your time and are deported. Kind of not my problem.
  4. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    I think we're picking up on the fact that your angle has nothing to do with murder and everything to do with immigrants and sanctuary cities. Also, most Americans are killed by their fellow Americans and not illegal immigrants. It seems as if you've highlighted the exception and are trying to pass it off as the rule. No one wants to play that game.

  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    your agenda is should have named the thread ''stupid fucking libtards help kill an old lady''...….that seems closer to your intentions

    glad people see through this type of smearing an entire population....2 in this case
    Meliai and Tyrsonswood like this.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    This forummer did the same thing years ago already. So she has to pose like our lack of replies has to do with us not caring about murder, and not with her playing the same repetitive game again.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  7. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    well yes this is about someone who was illegally in your country and was known to be violent. What if I told you the 9ne collecting cans was also an immigrant? This guy should not have been allowed to remain. Regardless, he was not a citizen and known to be violent, this murder and rape of that woman should have never happened.

    no one cares is true. We are desensitized, no one cares, but people pretend to care about the poor guy who is to be deported. I admit I don’t care if someone is deported. I do care that someone’s death could have been prevented, but also her death does not have an impact on my life.

    if you are going to talk about the good that happens by someone illegally in your country, you must look at the bad too. Is 2053 murders, 2087 kidnapping, 5367 sexual assaults etc, are those people who were victims of needless crimes, are their lives not important? Or are the lives of the perpetrator more important? Is possibly preventing not a priority through background checks? I do understand that murders happen, rapes happen, kidnapping happen, etc.. But those numbers could have been prevented or decreased.
  8. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    Let me ask you this...

    Should an American citizen known to be violent be forcibly relocated to another country?
  9. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    And I didn’t write the article. As for smearing an entire population, isn’t that what the left constantly does when they label all right leaning people racist, write supremacists? I am willing to look at the right and white supremacists, which are far to the right, and could be equally looked at on the far extremist left, but I am not judging this as a left or right thing. It was stupid to let him out in society, and I will stand by that whether I vote to the left or right, to which I have in the past.

    if sanctuary police are a left thing, then I don’t agree with what they did in letting this guy out 8n society.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yes: to Canada.
  11. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    mysticblu21 likes this.
  12. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Depends on what the crime was and if they hold dual citizenship.

    in Canada People get deported for committing crimes, violating immigration rules, illegally obtaining your immigration status, lying on your application, or being a security threat to other Canadians. If you are a Canadian citizen only, and do not have dual citizenship, you are not at risk of being deported.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Some people on the left do this. Not 'the left' as in all or a majority of them. Posing it as such is also a form of smearing an entire group of people.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  14. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I asked the question. In the USA it is extremely divided at the moment and I hope that changes. I do not think left leaning or right leaning groups should be defending individuals such as this. Sanctuary police let him out. This is supposedly a left thing, Who is accountable for this? It can lay on the shoulders of the left! And people on the left, I would hope say, maybe we need to re examine this and stop it until we can do it right, so no one dies simply because we dropped the ball and applied it to everyone, when we should not have. People on the left have completely taken events by extremists and labelled the entire right. This is wrong! Majority of the left have come to see it that way, the right are all evil. I do not think the left is all evil, But doing supposed good at the expense of the citizens and people is not good in my opinion.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Seems a rhetoric question.
  16. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    See now that family of the woman will sue ny, They will win too, anD rightfully so. this didn’t have to happen.

    Sanctuary policies includes criminally processing undocumented immigrants locally instead of handing them over to federal immigration authorities. There is also no set policies in place. There has to be in order to provide safety to the people. A big part of it is policies that jurisdictions implement to prevent local officials from sharing information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That is what happened in nyc and this woman’s death. NYC passed laws 486-A and 487-A ended the city’s cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers request. The removed all immigration officers from Rikers as well.

    This guy had a father living in nyc, who he beat severely, yet the sanctuary city feels that maintaining the family unit is more important. They fucked up, this is fucked up.

    if the guy beat his wife or assaulted children would this also be the thinking?
  17. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I am not talking about deporting the family, I am talking about him being handed over for deportation.
  18. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    And honestly, I would like to know if anyone thinks he should not be deported or if he should have been allowed to remain simply because of a family connection? Now he will end up in a federal prison for years in the USA.
  19. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    And if they don't have dual citizenship? If this is the only country they've ever known?
  20. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Do they have any citizenship or place of birth in this scenario?

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