Hello everyone, Hope meet some like minded people from Sydney and Australia in general here on the forum!
Hello everyone Nice to meet you. Woolongong, I haven't been there as yet, it's a bit of a drive from Syd. I've heard. Oh, AannaSolo---I read the Thiaboua Prophecy about 3-4 years ago!
Hey joshua - who's to say it's not. i've felt the presence of ships around sometimes and seen ufos take off very very fast... Sort of makes sense to me that there are higher beings observing us and keeping a watchful eye. Also as a Reiki Master, i can tell you that those sort of telepathic powers are really true. We are all on the way to higher states of conciusness whether we want to or not.
Hullo out there Joshua,, I lived in Sydney for 5 years and disliked it bigtime.. What sort of music do you play?? Me l'm usless with music. I have 2 guitars, gawd only knows why...