New new deal

Discussion in 'Democracy' started by DarthDva, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Got a new new deal.

    Iq test required for immigrants. Statistics show criminals tend to be disproportionately more illiterate than the general population, this would help to weed those out. Yes I'm aware of upper class high iq criminals, alot of those are native citizens and our own politicians anyway though.

    The leftists can engineer the iq test so that it doesn't cater to only whites and jews, this way leftists cannot complain america is big bad and racist.

    California has the most homelessness in america, its overran with leftists and their "progressive" (regressive) policies. It is time for a new new deal instead of being dominated by leftist corporate shills and their big tech coconspirators.

    There is a flaw in my plan, its already hard to become a doctor and this will make it even harder to become a doctor. Also america does not seem to care about those who don't have college degrees and this will make colleges and job industry even more competitive and cutthroat.


    This vid was made by a non generic cis person, i hope its progressive enough for leftists now.

    Right wing and some leftists complain about the transification of society and Alabama is now trying to ban HRT for teens.
    Concerned parents want their children to reproduce, so I have a solution for this.

    Ban schools. Banning schools is the reasonable solution if parents don't like what the schools are teaching the kids.

    Of course humans don't want to be sensible and go along with this reasonable request, despite the fact that I have learned much more useful information through leisurely usage of Youtube than I ever have from schools. Instead the primitives want to keep endorsing the same broken school system made worse by George Bush and his backwards policies.

    Abe Lincoln walked 18 miles a day just for school, but I doubt he would even attend the schools society has nowadays. Its a cesspool of bullying, toxicity, leftist propaganda and useless information.

    School's leftist propoganda consistently bashes males and teaches males have privilege so its no wonder kids are becoming more and more trans. My current plan is to force children to go to school for elementary school, kids need to be taught how to read, write, and mathematics. From then on school is optional and trade schools are encouraged. Corporations will pay for trade schools for future employees who wish to work for corporations.

    School is a form of child abuse, waking someone up at 7 am and forcing them to do homework (unpaid labor) is something you'd do to a grown adult in the military, not a child. Actually its worse because the military compensates its soldiers with finances, schools do not, unless you are lucky and get a complete scholarship, most only get partial and end up in debt. Imagine a military forcing a draft but not paying its soldiers, and even making most of its soldiers go in debt, it would be a backwards outrage, a human rights violation. And yet, school is exactly this, and yet society looks the other way.

    Furthermore it is a violation, many schools are giving less and less recess, a health violation, giving students processed foods (another health violation.) Sitting all day on uncomfortable chairs also is a major health violation, can potentially lead to serious spinal problems and mental health problems. It is also a violation of freedom of religion to force students to learn evolution. It is also a violation of freedom of religion to force kids into religious schools.

    Furthermore, society is fickle, allow me to explain. Society wants males to not lust for women, and to have a timid sex drive concerning lust. Whether this is the result of right-wing puritanical brainwashing, or genuine leftist idealism, is a matter of debate outside the context of this paragraph. But this is what I meant by fickle. The male is shamed by society for lusting for women. Then society is surprised when the male wishes to take HRT in order to not have the default male urges and tendencies. Then society tells the male to be chad and be fruitful and multiply. While also low sex drive. But if the male is to be surrogate female, then it is the male role to wait for women to participate and approach. But generally, women do not approach or participate, therefore the male is kept waiting. If the male is to have low sex-drive, then the male must wait for female approach. Furthermore, if the male has low sex drive, then what drive is there for marriage, surely only a friendship would suffice. Top-tier sexologists also state that females are aroused by male arousal, if males are not aroused then seduction may be even more difficult. There are also numerous studies showing how low sex-drive reduces artistic capabilities. Of course, school is rigged by George Bush to cater to the industrial complex, not free thinkers or artists. The society we live in tells males to rebel against Nature, and then shames the male for complying into what society ordered.

    I believe teens need rights and parents have no right to deny their teen HRT. I believe if a teen has superior genes the government should pay to freeze their sperm before HRT transification. If a teen has inferior genes then it doesn't matter if they reproduce or not. For instance bullies get 3 strikes, if after 3 strikes they still bully then government does not pay for frozen sperm. Other classifications may be used. Students with poor grades and no artistic talents do not get free sperm frozen, unless they are very beautiful or healthy students, or have incredibly charismatic social skills. Or have good tastes and sensibilites, or a good personality.

    There are numerous scientific reasons why teen is the best time to start HRT. If you wait too long then ogreification happens and they may be stuck with manly features. Therefore it is a human rights violation not to let teens have HRT.

    My policies are meant to help and to cater to both to the right and the left. Of course I expect resistance against this policy from both the right and left, as humans in general have tendencies to remain backwards and primitive, and as both sides seem to have a vested interest in making america worse.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  2. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    WOW this manifesto is all over the place.

    It was a very difficult read I really only got one clear policies from it -

    1) Ban all schooling beyond the elementary level.

    This presumably would have to be enforced, anyone that can see the benefits of having a better education and had the resources to do it would carry on schooling – so to have a ban you would need such activates to be stopped.

    But in another thread you though such a ban was terrible in relations to guns – so you want people to have easy and lawful access to guns but not to education?

    You also say that ‘Statistics show criminals tend to be disproportionately more illiterate than the general population’ –

    But if you increase illiteracy through banning education wouldn’t that in your own terms increase criminality?

    I mean if you wanted to decrease criminality wouldn’t you be in favour of wider and better education for all?

    How is banning education meant to improve US society?
    erofant likes this.
  3. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Legal immigration already has very steep requirements in many countries. In most cases, you're expected to be sponsored by a local employer, so that you may enter with a work visa. This often means skilled labor, meaning that you already are intelligent to a reasonable level, which renders the whole IQ test-idea moot. Ditto for student visas, because any student studying in a foreign country is most likely proficient in languages, especially the native language of the target country. Therefore intelligent, even without needing a test to prove this.

    Also, this idea completely ignores the fact that illegal aliens wouldn't be taking this test anyway. They either enter via a tourist visa, hide somewhere and simply refuse to leave after their visa expires, or they simply bypass all protocols completely by scaling the border fence under the cover of the night.

    To solve the homeless problem, take a look at the Nordic welfare model. You need more affordable housing, and better government handouts, which incidentally happen to be more of a leftist thing. Of course, I do recognize that US leftists and Euro leftists have some differences between them.

    So you mentioned being a trans person? Trust me when I tell you that you don't want less education. Poorly educated, right wing yokels are hardly your friends. In fact, many of them would love nothing more than to lynch all your kind. Their use of the term "axe wound" to describe gender re-assignment surgeries should tell plenty about their attitudes. Also, education is what enables modern medicine and the tools needed to help you with your needs. You're not gonna learn gender re-assignment surgeries and trans hormone treatments from fucking Youtube. You need, you guessed it, high level education to train all the doctors who can help you in the first place.

    Also, corporations are not gonna go along with your idea. They want to maximize their profits. If training their future employees from the ground up falls squarely on them, that would add to their operating costs significantly, hurting their bottom line. Why would they agree to this, when in the current system they can get educated workers at no personal cost to them?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
    Longstone and Balbus like this.
  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    So the school system makes someone become transgender? If they had the right kind of America loving teacher who was allowed to be masculine the student would be content with being a male himself? The whole "it's a choice" view of sexual preference and identity has been dis-proven. People are born how they are. Bad teachers can ruin many things in a kid's life but it's not going to force a gender on them.

    Ban schools in place of what? Do kids start work early or just get to hang out and enter the work force with basic math and reading level.
    In the time of Abe Lincoln no one went to school for long because most labor did not require much thinking. You learn to read and do basic math but that's all most people need unless you are a doctor or rich and the two were usually connected. Society has changed and right wing Americans often still think it's the Civil War. Most jobs require an education and they still see an elitist biases.Usually people who think like you want home schooling or no school because the "liberal" schools talk about evolution, the new science on trans rights, and global warming. They would be fine with school as long as it was school from the 1950's. That being anything but a straight person is a mental illness, everything is communism but America,and oil is good because it gives Americans jobs.

    What you are calling "left" is scientific realities. There is no indoctrination to anything but reality. The only place in the world where you find disagreement to the major issue of today are in the small percent of Americans who vote right wing. It's about 30% of the population of one country to put it another way. Many Americans don't even care enough to vote. This vocal so called "silent majority" on the right is neither of those things.

    Conservative ideas have no place in academia because they don't hold up to examination. Their free market economics don't work nothing "trickles down". Their views on global warming are proven false time and time again. No amount of evidence persuades them because they cling to their free market views. If the planet is doomed (and it's not) it would just be a new free market opportunity. When they could just not be mean people and mind their own business they are obsessed with people becoming transsexual just to peak at little kid's in the bathroom. No actual research of even many anecdotes prove it. Examples like that overall just make people who actuly know anything about the subject tune out when Republicans whine about biases. I had several professors in college who were probably right wing. I would not agree with them on many things but the subjects they were teaching were factual. Most times conservatives claim a college course has a liberal biases they are simply not willing to accept changing science. It's right in the name "conservative" therefore not wanting change or even believing change is necessary.
    erofant likes this.
  5. Longstone

    Longstone Members

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    So, you ban/minimise education which reduces your entire working population to the skill and education levels of a 5 day old lettuce. You then promote immigration for all educated and qualified people. Immigrants take over the country and all the well paid jobs and repeal your ban on education leaving you with a middle aged population of drone workers
  6. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Hold up.

    What I mean is banning the bans. Ban the laws that force people to attend school.

    • Force people to go to school until grade 5th or 6th.
    • After that school is optional.
    • Corporations help pay for trade schools which begin around 8th or 12th grade.

    There will not be illiteracy. Kids will be taught how to read, write and math in elementary school. There will be less illiteracy in this society, but perhaps not as good grammar by commoners.
  7. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    This is for legal aliens. For illegal aliens I have a new plan - we send them all to California. California becomes a haven of leftist idealists, if they want to conduct some social experiment we first test it in California before spreading it to the rest of society.

    If you can figure out less taxes with more handouts thats fine. But my plan is to have UBI anyway so everyone will get handouts. The problem is most of our taxes go to the super rich instead of towards handouts.

    Education is actually the problem. They are brainwashed into Jxianity as children.

    Secondly, I updated my thread because it needs to be more clear. We are not banning school entirely, but forcing kids to go to school until 5th or 6th grade. Then it becomes optional. There will still be doctors.

    My society does not cater to the super rich. The corporations will pay for the education of their workers or they can opt out of the program. What they get out of the deal is better workers, thus more profit. If they opt out they will end up hiring inexperienced randoms instead of loyalists specially educated to be their workers.
  8. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Don't know, but genetic theory is psuedoscience. People used to believe that certain conditions were part of genes, but the science shows its more of a complete effect of genes plus societal influence.

    That is not to say, that effeminate males dont exist. But there is no social space available for effeminate males. People are just lumped in as "gay" or "straight". Effeminate males are routinely mocked by society so maybe transition is easier.

    That is not to say that all trans would or wouldn't benefit from transition. If the technology improves and trans are able to pass I would like to convert a lot of males into mtf trans, this will decrease the size of the male population and increase the female ratio.

    But, to answer your question, there was an angry twitter rant by normies and leftists (yes some of them may have been leftists) going on some rant about schools are turning their kids trans. They were saying like about 40% of the kids were becoming trans. I was saying this is no suprise, society is vehemently anti-male in attitudes so it's not suprising why male kids are becoming trans. Friend of mine told me in their schools is just constant anti-male propaganda or talking about male privilege. Mythical male privilege is probably why so many of the afabs are now wanting to take testosterone.

    That is not to say 100% of mtf and ftm teens are just the result of propoganda. Whether they are or aren't the result of propoganda, I support teen HRT and for teens to have the right to decide their gender, this is because if you wait too long for HRT the effects of puberty become hard to reverse. Plus in the grand scheme of things, if some commoners don't have kids it doesn't really matter that much. You want government support (Free sperm storage) for unique individuals like savants or special people. Generally you want a steady stock of the general population to sustain a nation though. But you can have that with just a better economy and increasing the morale of the population.
  9. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Robots would be doing jobs by then. And everyone would be given some UBI as to not become homeless. By then robots and cyborgs can sustain the economy, so if teens are becoming sterile it wont matter that much. You just don't want too many teens becoming sterile, at least 50% need to remain fertile to sustain the general population. We don't want humans to go extinct. We can hold a council on that several centuries from now in the future.
  10. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    So children get publically funded education say up to the age of 10-11, and then it ends? So basically stop teaching just at the point when you children would start getting the beginnings of critical thinking. When people learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, it’s not something that is inherent it’s taught and many never learn it, you system seems designed to lower the number of people in your country that can think critically.

    In my view there is Primary Education that teaches the basics – Secondary Education that teaches critical thinking and Further education (academic or vocational) that teaches specialists knowledge.

    If parents or child wishes to carry on do they pay personally or is it publically funded? The removal of the duty would seem to indicate the removal of the funds (and those that wished to cut taxes would I think see it that way)

    I mean this statement

    Seems to indicate you are thinking in terms of a two tier system, at the least, I mean the opposite of ‘the commoners’ is traditionally ‘the aristocracy’ (the poor and the wealthy) (the disadvantaged and the advantaged) (the proletariat and the privileged)

    So are seem to be thinking in terms of a well educated elite and the poorly educated majority of ‘commoners’?

    I mean you would need the well-educated to run, administer and teach in the corporate ‘trade’ schools at the very least.

    It seems to me that you’d like to turn the clock back to the time of nobles and serfs
  11. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Can you please back this statement up?
  12. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    ya think? ;)
    scratcho and Tyrsonswood like this.
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Thank you! :sunglasses:

    This isn't a left-right problem in my honest opinion. It's a problem of affordable housing, welfare, community resources, etc.
    Piney likes this.
  14. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Like many problems there are solutions the problem is that many on the right either don’t want to do anything or live in the social Darwinist fantasy that the only way to help the disadvantaged is by starving them of help and resources until they ‘evolve’ ways of stop being disadvantaged – while gifting help and resources to the already advantaged, in the belief they have already ‘evolved’.

    The right are increasingly living in fantasy world where real problems are thought not to exist so can be disregarded.

    The solution to that problem is to stop voting for the right wing.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  15. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    And suddenly take away all those poor right wing politicians their government dole...

    What would they do? They have no skills...
  16. Longstone

    Longstone Members

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    I can only assume at this point that you are a troll with too much time on your hands
  17. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Many on the right do seem intent on pushing some strange overblown and dishonest culture war memes - I mean come on 50% of American boys are going to change sex because of ALL the anti-male propaganda being pushed out by ALL the lefties

    Longstone likes this.
  18. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    My friend probably wants to remain anonymous. But I do hear a lot of various reports that the modern school system is heavy with the "marxist" propoganda. (I use quotations because its not real Marxism or approved by Marx, but that is the term people commonly use.)

    I am too old to actually knows what goes on in schools anymore so I can only go by what I hear online.
  19. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Which is caused by leftists since leftist politicians control housing, welfare, resources etc.

    I also blame right wing as well but blaming right wing is old hat, its more interesting to point out leftist hypocrisy.
  20. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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