Hello all! My name is Mikki. I'm currently a high school student. I'm also very new to the hip culture though I share a lot of the same views. I've never posted on a forum before either so bear with me.:daisy: So here's a little about me: For starters I'm a vegetarian. I feel like that's always a good thing to start off with when talking to people so that all of their pre-conceived notions can be confirmed. More interesting things about me is I write for a local newspaper, I only wash my hair with natural products (yeah, I get a lot of weird looks from my fellow high school students when I tell them that.) Lastly, I love love love tea. I could drink it all day! :sunny: On to why I joined the hip community: See, I go to a public school where it's really hard to find people who relate to me. I know for sure the hip community is where I fit and I think I could really cultivate myself by surrounding myself with like-thinkers. Anywhoo, please feel free to contact me at any time, I dig new friends of all ages!
hello and welcome! you should be warned that you will not necessarily be surrounded by like-thinkers here certain forums may have a greater number of people with similar interests, but just because it's called "The Hip Forums" doesn't mean that most of the people here are hippies.
Greetings Mika! Here's hoping you come to love and enjoy this wonderful forum! Upstate NY? Last there on November 30, 2013 with a stop in Halfmoon and then Albany for a hockey game.