New Here.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by CeceliaZero, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. CeceliaZero

    CeceliaZero Members

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    My name is Cecelia, but everybody calls me Cece. I'm 29 years old, but will sadly soon be 30. I'm pretty easy going. My political beliefs have changed a lot over the years. Growing up I was a liberal, and vice president of my high school's environmental club. Then when I got out of high school I leaned conservative, before eventually leaning Libertarian, and now I lean Green Party. I've been all over the place (literally and figuratively). Nice to meet you all.
    bluewatersurfer likes this.
  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Greetings Cece! Welcome to the forums, and turning thirty is not sad, it's a badge! Of survival :)

    Be well and happy upcoming birthday!

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