New Drug Combo, psychedelic effects.

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by Psychopath, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. Psychopath

    Psychopath Members

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    A associate of mine found out about this by accident but if you try this-->DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

    It should have psychedelic effects so he/she said.

    First Drink a couple shots of alcohol 80-90 proof, add clonidine .3mg, lunesta 9mg snorted, tizanidine 8mg, benadryl 100mg.

    About 2 hours later you should feel the effects, set a alarm to wake you up if you fall asleep about 2-3 hrs later. You will be suprised.

    Of course Im in no way condoning the use or combination of these drugs in any way shape or form what so ever!!
  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Diphenhydramine in Benadryl is a Deliriant. I suppose the other stuff is to make it more pleasant and boost the effects at that dose?

    Sounds complicated, I'd probably just down a bunch of Robotussin if I was looking for a pharm Trip.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I dont think this is a good idea.. Your combo does not seem to be a deadly dosage mixture. But its rather childish.. benadryl itself at 100mg causes visual disturbances . Wouldnt call them psychedelic, the drug has been around long time. I once took 150mg which is mild and smoked a bunch of weed in a snow storm, while cutting school. I remember the weird colors in my vision and we felt kinda tired but not at all psychedelic. Just random squiggles. The high blood pressure med is just making you drowsy and lowering blood pressure. This can be dangerous tho. Lunesta is a hypnotic it works in a different area the brains, its to make you have forgetfulness, this way your thought pattern isnt erratic and ya can go to sleep easier..

    Good point GB.. Robotussin is probably far more psychedelic than bennydrills. Little better organized CEV visuals, color vivid, and def music enhancement .. I only use it when I have a cold, or it loses its magic and its yuck ..

    Get something better to get high on, accidents can usually turn out to be fatal..
  4. Psychopath

    Psychopath Members

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    This person said its better then DMT
  5. Psychopath

    Psychopath Members

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    Sorry you're wrong the combo in no way shape or form could be fatal. Hard to aquire the ingredients yes, it takes soooo much meds toactruly cause a fatality then you wouldn't believe.
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    hard to acquire?..

    Ive clonidine 1mg , benadryl in the med cabinet 25mgs, I have zeneflex here somewhere because I have MS.. I could get the lunesta from the ER just telling them I cant sleep , it a non narcotic. Im older than 21 to purchase alcohol..

    care to try again? ..
  7. Psychopath

    Psychopath Members

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    Don't know where you're located but ERs do not prescribe Lunesta, if you cant sleep they give you a benzo and or a anti-psych pill and keep you for observation first. As far as 1mg of clonidine, thats a Lot, its dosages start at .100mcg not in mg [thats why I put the--> period in front of the .3mg thought you would understand]. Also Lunesta is a scheduled drug, narcotic is used in way to many forms to identify drugs, so if its a scheduled drug its known by Law enforcement anyway as a narcotic.

    Sorry to hear about your MS, hope it doesn't flare up on you and wish you the best!

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