I was just wondering about new antidepressant drugs like Prozac and the like. They literally suppress the male orgasm. This can be tragic for men who have to take it, and weren't expecting this outcome. But I was wondering. Does it suppress "other" types of orgasms too? Even Freud realized, females can have two types of orgasm, vaginal and clitoral. Heck, some people don't realize that men can have other types of orgasm too. My question is simply, does it suppress these other types of orgasm too--specifically female? Just wondering... :alien: :alien: :alien:
For me, the orgasms were not suppressed on Prozac, Elavil, or Pamelor. On Effexor, they were enhanced. Celexa is presenting no problems either.
at first you'll be able to last a really long time, then you'll get a tolerance to the effect. then you'll come really quickly when you stop taking them.
All of my orgasms and my entire sex drive was destroyed by all of the drugs I was on... including anti-depressants (Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, and Cymbalta) as well as anti-anxiety drugs.... once I got off of all of the meds, my sex drive came back with a vengeance....
I had the most, best, and most varied orgasms of my life while on Effexor. Of course it could have just been the right lover.
fyi, prozac isn't a "new antidepressant", it's been around some 30 years. the ssri and related class, which prozac does belong to are the ones that cause the most decreased ability to orgasm.
Time flies. I was prescribed Prozac in about 1990. I had to discontinue it because it caused severe, prolonged headaches.