I got lost on the bit that said "It's a woman's penis" I had better keep to simpler subjects like nuclear physics.
Why do you even bother for? Its not even based in reality. A woman like that has probably never even met a MTF trans, they are certainly not going to hang out with her, the gay guys arent going to go near her. You might assume she's gay because of the haircut, would most gay girls even go near her? They are usually almost always the same, some stupid arts or political science degree at Uni thats never going to get them anywhere, fighting the non existant fight for people that think she's too weird and obnoxious to hang out with
People who put their sexuality at the forefront of their personality are normally weird and obnoxious. I have quite a few gay and alternative friends. The difference is that I did not know about their preference until I had known them for a while.
Right, if you are not interested in discussing the nuances of the human perception of gender, you probably shouldn't take a gender studies class. Actually, Shaman, I think you are interested in this subject (you bring it up more than any poster here, just about) and would probably get a kick out of taking a gender studies class.
Interesting that you mention this. I have been considering taking two classes which focus on Gender. One in Anthropology, the other in Sociology. I am not surprised that the discussion in question in fact did take place, however it doesn't sound like the opinion of someone who is educated on the matter. I agree with the woman. If we're being PC, then it's a woman's genitalia.
I might sit in on one just to laugh at the absurdity known as the gender spectrum being lectured. However I’m afraid I’ll leave the class dumber than I did when I went in. If they’re teaching that it’s not gay for me to suck dick as long the guy I’m doing it to identifies as a woman.
True that. Being gay is essentially a disease that you catch by touching penises. I don't need no fancy book learning to tell me no different.
This is just a facebook argument I've never taken a gender studies course myself but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the material taught is probably a bit more complex and in depth than, "hehe you touched a shemale penis, you're gay hehe" which seems to be the level of complexity offered in this facebook argument
This seems to be a very emotive subject, and not one I know much about. The gender spectrum seems to become more complex to understand by the day, or maybe I'm not interested enough to get it, being a heterosexual middle class middle aged white male. That probably sets me up as the Enemy.
If one thing is certain about gender, it's that there are two of them and only two, and that both are biologically unique from one another. Of course there is the rare instance of hermaphrodites, but outside of that there only two genders -- not the dozens that politically-motivated SJWs have concocted in their heads.
I once saw a Star wars movie/universe class (don't recall the exact name of the class). Laughable? Perhaps. Well, sure actually. Useless/worthless? We can not say without taking notice of said classes methinks. Also; having an actual interest in the class/subject often makes all the difference