Yo, if I was clean for 3 months & smoked 3 blunts after but drunk over a gallon of water 3 weeks before a piss test you think I'm good ?
you don't have to add a hashtag that says weed when you're posting in the marijuana forum. maybe. depends on a lot of things.
It depends. In your case I'd say you're probably fine.. It's usually not detectable after a couple weeks, but depends how much you smoked and how much you've been smoking lately. Might be worth it to get a home test a couple days before just to be safe.
what do you think a gallon of water would do?........did you inhale it into your lungs?.....because that's where the residual thc is...............as you breath the residual or ''drugs'' are removed from the lung wall and some of it gets carried along into your blood with oxygen.....some of it by saliva in to your stomach and absorbed in your mouth etc....... I don't wanna get into a whole science thing but people that attempt to ''detox'' do all kinda fucked up shit to rid their bodies of what ever but good luck mike
Marijuana tests don't actually test for THC, they check for THC metabolites in the urine, so if he drank tonnes of water he would probably be getting rid of more of those metabolites than if he didn't drink all that water. It probably wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of beating the test, but drinking a lot of water would eliminate more metabolites from the body than drinking normal amounts.
Thanks to all you guys for the feedback. I'm just so nervous and the test results don't come back til Tuesday so I'm waiting until then.
you're lucky we even responded after seeing a hashtag. depends on your fat content. three weeks is pretty good though