In my westward adventures this summer I came across Nbome in sedona and was really impressed by how close it was to a real acid trip without all the negative side effects. As the people I hooked up with were cool enough not to pass it off as real acid I was more prepared for the trips. Did pretty well in the 40-50 ug range but never went higher. Anybody ever tried higher doses?? What the danger thresh hold?
the part about being like LSD without all the negative side effects has me confused. NBOMe chemicals are gaining a reputation of having pretty severe side effects, while those of LSD are relatively non-existent. 40-50 ug is a pretty low dose as far as i know. i tried 25i+25c at a supposed 1500 ug each.
The "acid" I did in the 90's in college always ended up leaving you with backpains because of how it was made, and you crashed really hard after coming down. Plus you never really new the dosage. Maybe I just got luck with the Nbome but the comedow was never hard, and I only had stomach aches onces. Never any backpains either. From a dosage prespective though I was on the lighter side of things and my tolerance has built up over the years. Cant claim extraordinary visuals but had some nice ones. Nothing as strong as the acid I did back in the day though. As I only did it a few times this summer and at low dosages I can't really speak to the roughness of it. It why I was asking others. Eros really occupied my time more this summer. lol
40-50ug would be close from the threshold so don't really think you felt the real effects. From my personal experience there's noticeable the difference from acid. I've had somes experiences with 25i and a couple with 25b, the strongest was something around 1500ug - 2000ug 25i (took 2 blotters claimed to be 1000ug each but considering it was probably bad managed I doubt it really had that) and damn, that was mind blowing.
I've explored the Nbome's a few times, my strongest trip being on 2 mgs 25I-nbome complexed blotters, I've also explored the 25c + 25I blotters. The 25I-nbome blotters did have some aspects reminiscent of LSD and it felt fairly 'clean' (I didn't experience any physical signals that would suggest some of the physical complications others have experienced with it) but it also felt Super Synthetic and I did feel pretty fried coming down. I felt the combo blotter was bit more enjoyable, I'm not sure if that was the 25c aspect to it or me being more accustomed to the effects. I remain slightly wary about vasoconstriction with NBOME's, though I haven't experienced it significantly myself.
I was warned about the possiblity of vasoconstriction with the NBomes and as I have a arrhythmia I was very careful with the dosing. Probably should of gone higher on dose but it was an enjoyable experience at the levels I tried. Of course if you've ever tripped around sedona you don't have to go into space to have a good time. You guys have certainly gone much higher in the dosage department on these then me. I think I've just become leary of doing high dosages of any of these new synthetics until I get used to them. Getting older makes one more cautious. lol
Tolerance to psychedelics does not last for years, it lasts for weeks to months. I would personally take LSD any day over NBOME. All people want to sell is NBOME now. But it's only made because it's legal. It exists because a safer chemical analogue of it was made illegal the 2c chemicals. And those compounds were only popular because it was for a time a "legal LSD". Although with the 2c family the experience was considered better and the dosage was definitely safer. But there is money to made and some people don't care. The Research chemical market probably makes illegal market profits legally. I have never had any back pain from acid but I have had some weird things happen on NBOME. All the people I know have nothing but good things to say about 90's acid. It was cheaper and stronger then.
I cant explain for the acid we were getting in college except all of had the back pain situation. As others have pointed out in various forums without knowing how they were making it, its hard to explain that particular side effect. If I implied that my tolerance was up from the 90's I apologize as that was not my intent, but after doing shrooms, eros, and ayahuasca this summer I'd say that I was getting a bit of a tolerance this summer. lol... I'd say I was lucky with my NBome experiences this summer, especially since I stuck to lower doses, and was with a good crowd. I agree it will never replace acid and I've had rare chance to do some good quality. This is one of the reasons I asked for other experiences as I did not want to pretend to be an expert and/or just trust what the internet in general has to say.
what is eros? the hits that i tried were said to be 1500 ug each, but it may very well be that the whole dose wasn't absorbed. i would stick to whatever level you find enjoyable.
Reported back problems from acid I believe has stemmed two myths. The acid laced with strychnine myth and then I recall some suggesting that people can simply crack their back and have a flashback. I think LSD can just be harder on some people physically, as it can mentally.
It's also possible that the acid you were doing decades ago was actually DOx compounds, back when they were the acid imposters and much more prevalent on the scene. DOx compounds can be harder on the body. Me and my friend have had back discomfort after LSD experiences but I do not consider it something inherent to the molecule, I think you end up in weird positions or tensing a lot. Certainly there haven't been any permanent effects I can notice and I have taken that acid dozens of times. I attribute it to stress actually; during and after an LSD experience one can have an increased level of (background) stress due to realizations and emotional release, this manifests universally as muscle tension; the back is a very common site for such somatic expression. Me and my friend have had the back thing resolved through masssage, leading me to believe it is stress and not due to psychedelic chemistry.
The dox chemicals and/or stress would certainly explain the back pains. I've heard of the similar myths before and found them hard to believe. Never experienced a flashback from cracking my back. lol and strychnine would certainly do more harm to your body then just causing back pains. Especially if you've tripped a lot. From the things I've heard on here so far about NBome I consider myself lucky in my experiences and glad I stuck to low doses. These new synthetics can be fun to experiment with but certainly require a degree of caution and education if possible. On a more humurous criminal note... I wish I'd had access to these things in college I would have made a killing lol
doubt you had DOx even in the 90s. that shit never was common, it went around a few times mid 2000s and made media outlets everywhere cuz the duration was a bad side effect in its own. DOC must be great can't wait to try it one day myself. I've had back and shoulder pains from LSD particularly after the trip has subsided - it's not unique to LSD either and is more related to your physical chemistry than the chemistry of LSD itself. it is a side effect of vasoconstriction. Sometimes you might get sometimes you might not get it. DOx certainly has more vasoconstriction than LSD but you would notice it if you'd been dropping a lot.
I'd never try to pass anything off as what it is. Im a firm believer that a person deserves to be as educated as possible in what they may choose to partake in.