National Defense Authorization Act

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by reb, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. reb

    reb Member

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    i am curious to see how habeas corpus will interact with this if it passes the house and is signed into law. the other day, Glenn had a spitting fit on his radio program...i am not going to have a spitting fit. i intend to vote against every incumbent from this point forward, no matter party or what lies they tell in their election campaign.
  2. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    Glenn Beck?

    Are you serious? Glenn Beck? Really?
  3. reb

    reb Member

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    completely serious. when those of you who consider yourself leftists, those of us who are libertarians and even some very right wing folks begin to scream about the same issue, you can bet your sweet ass that something is very out of kilter.

    i don't agree with everything glenn says; i don't agree with everything the occupy people say....but i listen to some of both. i can more easily get glenn's radio program than i can what is actually happening on the ground at occupy....too much bs in the major networks.

    for example, i do not agree with 'prohibiting any cell phone use in vehicles' (a story from this morning). let people text all they want; talk all they want...and if they cause an accident proven to be 'whiile on their cell phone', take them out in the field and shoot their ass. let the buzzards eat them. i don't want my tax money and the courts wasting time on idiotic behaviour.

    this bill, and others like the detention bill, are going to change us into a nation of skittish sheep, although some of us will quickly be sent to the gulag or shot. although we disagree on some issues, the issue of freedom should be something we band together on, and stick together like super glue. franklin famously said 'if we do not hang together, we shall surely hang alone' during the discussions of the Declaration and getting rid of british rule. now we have the same pigs ruling us as king george did then.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    This is obviously what they want......
  5. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    Reb, do you or did you use to post on I only ask because I used to post there a couple years back and I recall a RebGirl who is a libertarian. If so, it's good to see your posts again :)

    I'm not a big fan of Glenn Beck. I don't think he fits the role of journalist very well. Too many opinions and not enough facts. As for the National Defense Authorization Act, it's a blatant removal of rights, and it's a serious indicator that this country is moving in the wrong direction if it passes. I seem to recall hearing about it failing at some stage though. I'm not sure really. I certainly hope it doesn't pass.
  6. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I told my senator I will not vote for him any more unless he can satisfactorily explain to me why he voted for the NDAA. I encourage you to do the same.
  7. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    I bet he DIDNT EVEN READ IT before signing it! (Alot of them do this!!)
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I've called my senator (a vocal supporter of this bill) a couple of times and left messages asking for specific explanations on the wording of section 1031. No call back yet. That fucker never had my vote to begin with so doesn't really change anything there.
  9. Boxcarbobby

    Boxcarbobby Guest

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    Official statement of the national Constitutional Militia movement in response to the 2012 NDAA act:

    Whereas, on the 14th of December, 2011, the House of Representatives of these United States voted, in the form of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, in favor of indefinite military detention, without charges, of American citizens on American soil, without due process of law, at the discretion of the government alone;
    Whereas, on the 15th of December, 2011, the Senate of these United States voted in favor of the same bill;
    Whereas, on the 31st of December, the President of these United States signed the same bill into law;
    Whereas, the proscription against the use of military force to police the populous has been an essential feature of American civic life and civic liberty since the arrival of our civilization upon this continent;
    Whereas, the wanton violation of this proscription was one of the chief causes of the separation of the American people from their government in Great Britain;
    Whereas, the Constitution so chartering the government of these United States, in Article III Section III, states that “No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
    Whereas, the Constitution so chartering the government of these United States, in the Fifth Amendment, states that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”;
    Whereas, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President of these United States have disregarded the plain text of the Constitution;
    Whereas, in openly disregarding its founding document, the government of these United States has lost any semblance of legitimacy;
    Whereas, the use of such draconian measures has been an essential feature of the enforcement of tyranny by every totalitarian governments of the 20th century;
    Whereas, the use of such draconian measures is carefully calculated to quash all political dissent amongst a captive people;
    Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures effectively nullifies all civil liberties the people may hope to hold;
    And whereas, the codification of such draconian measures is an act of war against the populous at large;
    Therefore, be it declared that a STATE OF WAR formally exists between the Government of these United States and the People of these United States, perpetrated by that Government against the People.
    We, the People of these United States, declare any and all attempts to enforce the provisions of the NDAA to be unlawful, void, and of no force.
    We declare ALL WHO voted in favor of the NDAA, and ALL WHO attempt to enforce the NDAA to be traitors to these United States, punishable under law.
    We SHALL DISOBEY, APPREHEND, OR RESIST WITH FORCE, at our discretion, any person who attempts to enforce the provisions of the NDAA.
    We SHALL NOT aggress against any Federal, State or local government employee who shall not attempt to enforce or aid and abet the enforcement of the NDAA, they being as trapped as the rest of the populous.
    Such STATE OF WAR shall continue until the NDAA is stricken from the code of law, and all who had hand in the NDAA are removed from positions of power.
  10. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Since the list is shorter, who didn't support this bill?
  11. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    It is just amazing to me how many idiots WERE FOR THIS BILL AND JUST VOTED FOR IT :(
  12. iamtigerpaw

    iamtigerpaw Member

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    i voted against!
  13. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    You didn't get a chance to vote.... unless you're part of the government.
  14. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Part of being a good liar is having some faint idea what you're lying about.
  15. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    The only Senators who voted against the NDAA were

    Sen. Rand Paul [R, KY]
    Sen. Jeff Merkley [D, OR]
    Sen. Ron Wyden [D, OR]
    Sen. Mike Lee [R, UT]
    Sen. Thomas Harkin [D, IA]
    Sen. Thomas Coburn [R, OK]
    Sen. Bernard Sanders [I, VT]
  16. krozar

    krozar Member

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    BTW are Glenn Beck's views also Libertarian when it comes to LSD? Often it's an excuse to be far right-wing. I can't stand the control of Liberals. But I find many Libertarians to have ulterior motives.
  17. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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  18. reb

    reb Member

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    no, don't think i've ever been there...but she might be my adopted sister for all i know. there are a lot of people of all walks of life who are sick of this pageant of lies.

    krozar, i have no idea what beck's stand is on drugs. i tend to lean towards 'legalize, make the user responsible for any acts or damages caused, and tax like liquor and cigarettes'. i think the labelling as 'far right wing' and 'far left wing' is a miscue for us. that tends to be divisive. we can't afford to be as divisive as we have been in the last several decades. this is how the rulers are stealing our rights. despite their rhetoric, they are not divided in what they are doing, and they're tearing us a new anus.

    i don't agree with the judging that goes on from every side, either. there are things i won't participate in; if someone else wants to, i don't care. if they harm me-not 'second hand smoke' harm-then they should be responsible for making me whole. end of issue.

    sad state our nation is in.
  19. krozar

    krozar Member

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    As to Beck's argument about texting while driving, I wonder what his feelings would be if a pilot of his plane or bus driver was doing the same. In all cases it's still someone responsible for the lives of others whether on a plane or on the road. It's a dangerous act and should be frowned on by society.

    To me the bigger thing about drugs right now is not legalization, but the requirement of insurance companies to test for it (such as when getting a job). I don't act irresponsible on drugs and so I have never been busted. But cops are starting to go a bit far in their attempts to discover users. Our personal privacy is being infringed upon when it comes to that. When users are caught driving around acting fools, I have no sympathy though.

    Good point. So many divisions are created by those with special economic interests.

    Indeed. All over the world.
  20. Boxcarbobby

    Boxcarbobby Guest

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    Here one may find intelligence data collected and reposted from Constitutional Militia websites, which illuminates the personal information of many of those who were responsible for passing this treacherous act.

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