Today I was called a 'sick fuck." The one I like best tho, is when a poster called me "an ignorant buffoon". Little did he know--buffoon is one of my all time favorite words. What are some names you've been called on the forums???
haha why on earth did someone call you a sick fuck?? I haven't been called anything too awful here. I've had people say some mean things but they didn't throw namecalling into the mix.
First day as a member here, I was called a 'low class' and white trash' all in the same thread with in a couple posts lol.
Freiden called me fat before she got banned lol. Also, today in chat, I was called a "Christian life-partner seeker" because I didn't want to cyber with some stranger. I'm not Christian or seeking a life partner, I just have standards lol. It was pretty hilarious. Why would anyone call you a sick fuck, scratcho??
Oh, it was because of my post in the thread about "dirty talk-good , bad ,ugly". PS: re: that post- I was actually in a lumberyard-hardware store one time and some guy over to my right hollered--"where in the hell can a guy get some tight pussy"? A guy way over on my left hollered back about the chicken neck. I couldn't believe they were hollering it out loud. I didn't see any women and children in there, so it was just "boys being boys", I guess. Any way it offended someone here.
It has happened a few times and I usually ignore it as it rather shows the mettle of the person who has to resort to that.
cally4strings[dreadhead] called me an epic douchebag in about my second week.....I used is my moniker for awhile.....she was pissed cause I asked if she ever consulted a rasta dude about real old skool dread care....she was very offended for some insane reasonget ''old man'' quite a bit ....mostly from young fucktards
Got A Neg Rep A Few Days Ago Saying "You Are Nuts"...*can't argue with that logic*... A Year Ago I Got A Couple Of Neg Reps From A Member Calling Me A Coward And Gutless, And A Few Other Names I Can't Remember, Pleased To Say He Has Been Put On "Permanent Ignore"...:2thumbsup: Cheers Glen.
Oh I forgot, Pressed Rat called me "Little Debbie" the other day. Then after, put extra emphasis on "Little" for extra douche baggery. I guess I get called names quite a bit around here! :sunny:
nothing really, i've managed to be so middle-of-the-road, bland and forgettable that no-one has ever really graced me with an insult. or if they have, it was so middle-of-the-road, bland and forgettable that i forgot it.
I walked past an alki on the street who asked me for a rollup I was already past him and didn't turn back, so he called me a "specky bastard" (I wear glasses) I suppose I should have gone back and given him one, I usually give out smokes to anyone who asks
"what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, bloodsucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit you are!"
OK, I Fess Up To Sending You That PM, But Don't Lose Sight Of The Fact That I Was Playing Up Your "Good Side", Imagine What It Would Have Read Like Had I Have Tried To Be Nasty... Cheers Glen.
everybody loves me ive never noticed any name calling (and if i did i probably just deleted it and banned them ) lmao