Mythical driving no-no

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by mmicmann, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. mmicmann

    mmicmann Member

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    This was in the latest "The Week" magazine:

    Tip of the Week...
    Three mythical no-no's of driving
    - Going barefoot: "No state actually has any laws making barefoot driving illegal, so don't take any guff from people trying to tell you it's against the law." In fact, the sensitivity of bare feet allows for more precise pedal control. "Your feet are not criminals - they're just the hands of your legs!"

    It's nice to see mainstream media debunking this ridiculous myth. The Week actually got that from Here's the original source:

    Let's Debunk Three Myths About Seemingly Illegal Things You Can Do While Driving
  2. Yo, buddy!
    No shoes, no service!
    Bare feet in the car? Yer goin’ to jail! And Hell!!
    You better believe shoes are required here!
    Don’t you know there’s a Health Code?
    S’matter? Ya can’t afford shoes?
    You from an institution???
    It’s fuckin’ freezin’ out here! Are you insane?
    Oh, sure, the rules are for everybody ELSE!
  3. jagerhans

    jagerhans Far out, man. Lifetime Supporter

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    Minding your own business is a tradition being phased out. Now it looks like everyone feels entitled to pester his neighbour. About the shoeless driving, when I was still wearing shoes (they were boots most of the time) it occurred to me several times that I got shoe laces entangled in the car - or worse, motorcycle - pedals. Or to push two pedals together because of the width of the boot. Personally I'd ban bike helmets too, nanny state is for child citizens.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
    ijustmightdoit2 likes this.
  4. mmicmann

    mmicmann Member

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    Ha! I live in the cold and snowy American Midwest, so frequently I must wear boots while driving. Hate it! I have this same problem.
    jagerhans likes this.
  5. jagerhans

    jagerhans Far out, man. Lifetime Supporter

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    Any chance to mod the set to bend the pedals a bit apart from each other ?
    No more need to wear any footwear for me, winters are really getting warmer and warmer each new year. These days (Jan. 29-30-31) are called "the blackbird days" in Italy after an old legend and they are traditionally regarded as the coldest year round. They used to be. we had 15 C° today, it's not just out of average, it is out of this world. According to the saying, if these days are warmer than usual this means that spring is gonna be late. I guess that won't be the case. Could well start thinking about nudity all year long lol
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
  6. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Actually it's better that you drive barefoot instead of wearing thongs. Your flip flop can fall off your foot and interfere with your braking. Better off that way, be safe.
    ijustmightdoit2 likes this.
  7. ‘N anyways, drivin’ barefoot just fuckin’ feels better.
    Varmint and ijustmightdoit2 like this.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I lol'd at the "barefeet giving you more precision on the pedals" comment.
    Barefoot-boy likes this.
  9. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    It's a fact, BTW. One that I will vouch for.

    Source: Personal experience.

    The difference is like gloves vs. bare fingers when you type on a keyboard.
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i think it kind of depends on the shoe. it's not entirely like the keyboard analogy, because with pedals it's just a matter of pushing a certain amount, rather than having to find specific spots on a keyboard. so for example, i don't find it any different driving with bare feet or in athletic shoes. on the other hand, i hate driving in boots because they actually restrict your foot's movement enough that you end up having to use your whole leg to press the pedal rather than just your foot. sandals are the worst to drive in, not because of movement restrictions but because they like to occasionally slip up underneath the pedal and scare the shit out of you when you're trying to stop.
    mmicmann likes this.

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