I was at uni yesterday and my tutor came over to me with a big grin on her face. She gave me high grades for my last module and seemed really flirty She keeps asking personal questions to me about what I 'like'. None uni related stuff. I don't fancy her and she needs to STFU... OMG, WTF?
AAAAAAAAAH I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE!!!!!!!!!! I love the dude, i would totally do him. that movie kicks ass.
The dude is awesome The thing with my tutor started in december when I had a presentation. I was stoned and really got into it. I really wanted to sell myself to the audience. I could tell she really liked my performance and she clapped loudly afterwards. I think I aroused her a little Well she was really excited to see me yesterday. Her nipples were clearly erect and she gave me that 'I want to fuck you' look. You know when a woman wants to fuck you, it's in their body language...
My overal grades are good. It just freaks me out that she's coming on to me. She does it in front of my fucking friends
tell her you will fuck her if she gives you 100 dollars... some ladies will do it, especially the fat ones.
ugh, my english teacher does that. Once he pinched my ass at the grape festival in front of the guy i was seeing at the time. There is a real problem at my school with teachers and students having sexual relationships, but my area is pretty free-spirited when it comes to sex so the teachers never get fired for doing stuff like that so it sucks. although for some reason its a big problem when gay teachers hit on students. wtf.
you would lose your missle so fast you wouldn't have time to think of where to cast it. alright sorry I'm done I couldn't resist. I have nothing against you and hope you have a fab evening
One of the student teachers at my school likes me, she's ugly and annoying though. My english teacher last year was in LOVE with me, she came up to me in the hall and gave me a hug for no apparent reason and GRABBED MY ASS!!! I got my ass grabbed by my teacher!!! So, I felt her boobies. Nothing else happened, 'cause.... well, I guess she decided it wasn't such a good idea. Too bad, cause I would have definently hit that. I have her again my senoir year though, I hope she stays hot.