I have not had it for at least 10 years. But it's back. That sharp pain that comes when I bend a certain way (or when I sneeze--which oddly is typical, I understand). My sciatica. My doctor's aware of it. But he didn't have too much to say, when last I brought it up. (He said the fact I was taking glucosamine and chondroitin may have helped put it in remission.) So what should I do now? My aunt once recommended deep knee bends. That seems to help a little. Mind you, sciatica is just a symptom of an underlying problem (like "toothache"). I will definitely bring up the matter when I see my doctor next month. In the meantime, do any of you have any further words of advice?
Had It Many Years Ago....A Simple Anti-Imflamatory Pill Help't Heaps.....The One I Took Was Voltaren..... May Come Under A Different Name In Your Country......If Need Be I Can Post The Contents So You Can Match It Up...... Cheers Glen.
Quick update: my sciatica pain has for the most part departed. As I said I don't even know what causes it. Or why I didn't have it for 10 years. Anyway, I bought a bunch of treatments at the store, just in case. I got a tropical analgesic with lidocaine, some acetaminophen and some aspirin. You know, unlike acetaminophen, aspirin is a true antiinflammatory. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and an antifebrile, but not a true antiinflammatory. The only problem is how it mixes with sulfasalazine, which I also take.
???? What do you mean? You dont know what causes it? - Pressure on the Sciatica nerve. You dont know why you didnt have it for 10 years? - no pressure on the Sciatica nerve for 10 years. Context dude. All those medications arent really going to fix the problem. Here we are in 2018, a billion apps for your smarphone, all the money that gets pumped into everything else. And yet we still cant fix spinal injuries, replace the cartilidge in the lower verterbrae, patch a few human nerves together??? And how many people end up suffering lower back pain? Pretty much everyone eventually. On this subject its jaw dropping how much we dont know, how much we cant do
wait..yours comes and goes away? must be nice i have a brother that complains about every little ache and pain...you guys could be friends
Mine's still present. I have to hang my leg and half my ass of the desk chair, even with a dense foam pad in the chair.
get yourself a lacross ball. or a hard rubber ball that doesn't flex. and roll your glute muscles on it. it really does hurt but kneads the whole muslce and always feels good after.
I'd recommend that you try seeing an acupuncturist. It's my answer to everything, but it's especially good at treating muscluoskeletal problems. There's more I could say on the subject if you are interested. Some dietary changes might help. Eating freshly, lightly cooked whole foods served warm, and only drinking water or other beverages served warm might help. Also, giving up sugar, alcohol, coffee, and citrus.
My car has no measurable engine wear after 280,000 miles running on the latest high tech synthetic motor oil, Perhaps I should take a spoon full of it every day LOL.
The only thing I ever found (aside from expensive acupuncture) that helps to alleviate that sciatic pain most of the time is at the 1st sign of the sciatica coming on...go get in an epsom salt bath as hot as you an possibly stand. Seriously hot. As I sit in the tub I usually ball up a fist (or fists) and sit on my fists on the part of my butt that is hurting the worse. I can lie down in my tub, so I lay down when I'm doing the "fist up into the hurtingest - yes that's a word lol - part of my butt...and just lay there for a while. That has helped me a number of times...the trick is getting in that hot hot bath as soon as possible. Good luck...God knows sciatica is a "pain in the ass"..and down the legs. lol All jokes aside, sciatic pain is really damn miserable to deal with.
I Find It Odd That I Had It Many Years Ago......But Nothing Since......Perhaps It's Something We Grow Out Of...... Cheers Glen.
Well, I may be putting the cart before the horse here, but if Jane is interested in trying acupuncture, I researched a list of acupuncture teaching clinics in London. Teaching clinics often offer quality care at affordable prices. I could post the list if you would like.
Although my original comment was light hearted, at our age, both Jane and I suffer from back pain and other arthritic conditions at times. We do not take pain killers, since pain is sending a message to rest the joint, rather than risk compounding the situation. However becoming inactive has it's own problems, so we try to strike a happy balance. We also try to eat a healthy diet, with occasional vitamin tablets and codliver oil capsules as required. I would rather look to alternative medicine, than resort to drugs and neither of us visit the doctor more than once every few years. The information that you have collated would be of interest, even if only to file for the future, so please post it when you get a chance. I don't know how HF would react to it being posted on a thread, but if you are concerned, either send it as a PM, or simply send me a short message and I will return my email address. Many thanks, Wills. Just thought. The information may also interest out son (aged 37) who has suffered with a knee problem for the last 20 years and has postponed the option of surgery, since it was not caused by an injury.