My Pet Rock.

Discussion in 'Remember When?' started by Jimbee68, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I have an interesting story to tell. See you have to know about the Pet Rock craze of c. 1976 to understand this one.

    I told my mother as a child, I want a Pet Rock. My mother finally told me. Listen, honey, I saw one in the store and it's stupid. It's just a rock. But I told I really, really want one. She said listen. We have plenty of pet rocks in the backyard. Go and take one. I won't stop you. So finally I did. I told my mother, my friends tell me that isn't real Pet Rock. She said you tell them. It's a rock, it's my pet. It's a Pet Rock. Finally I told her they wouldn't listen. My parents were confused at this point. Well, my mother told me, you tell them that's a feral one. And that's the last I remember.

    Seriously though a Pet Rock would probably be worth a lot a collector now. Doesn't anyone still have theirs?

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