I just had to ask, how do you all like my new avatar? In case you don't recognize it, it is Shylock being banished after the trial. It is from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. I like it, because sometimes I feel like an outcast. But how do you like it? And feel free to introduce your own avatars, if you feel compelled.
My avatar is a sherrin football. Sherrin footballs are used in the Australian Football League. I'm an AFL fan. (another code of football)
Nice touch to have an avatar with meaning... so many here are quite indicative of that person's personality (mine being an exception of course).
I like it but it's not an avatar I would have envisioned for you. At the same time, it doesn't change my perception of you. Not sure if this is making any sense.
it's pixelated if you blow it up you can see that it's pixelated around the dude's eye and head area you need to do a better job or use a better camera or asked me to do it
That image is much clearer on Wikipedia somehow it got messed up maybe when it got resized I don't know who the f*** am I to speak look at my stupid Avatar you can barely even recognize that it's a rabbit or no it's a hare sorry
it's alright. it's not so similar to anyone else's that i'm going to confuse you with them, which is all i really care about. that and no penises, i still haven't figured out why so many newbies think that's a good idea.
since they relegated all of the sex threads to wherever they went to I don't see penis avatars anymore I don't visit those threads I remembered them because of your post I had forgotten they even exist
^ yeah every once in a while they'll show up in the introduction forum, but i do see a lot fewer than i used to.