My latest million dollar idea.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by MeAgain, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    A squeeglish shower.

    This is due to my wife.
    According to her a shower must be squeegeed after use or the cosmic order of life may just frizzle out due to soap scum and various other unknown residues not being removed promptly enough from the shower walls and floor.
    This is a picture of someone who doesn't look like me in a shower that doesn't look like mine obeying his wife who, in all probability, doesn't look like my wife either.


    But he has to do it or else.
    This leads to us having a battle over who gets to take a shower first, as the last person becomes the squeegeer.
    Sometimes I take my nighttime shower immediately after awakening in the morning just to avoid that squeegee.

    What I propose is some sort of wall coating applied to the shower walls either during production, at installation, or as an after market product.
    I have determined that it must posses the following characteristics:
    1. It must be water repellent.
    2. It must be invisible.
    3. It must make my wife happy.
    The third characteristic is the most important.

    Now in my research I have discovered that WD40 is not an oil! It is a water repellent (W = water, D = displacement, 40 = how much a can of this stuff will cost after it becomes popularized as an anti squeegeette product and I make millions).
    It seems it was developed by the Rocket Chemical Company of San Diego to coat Atlas rockets. Atlas rockets were used by the Mercury astronauts to first orbit the Earth. They had to be pressurized (the rockets not the astronauts) to retain their shape because their shell was so thin. Having a thin shell with no insulation meant the icy cold fuel within would lead to condensation and ice on the outer parts of the shell. Not good. To get rid of the condensed water the entire rocket was sprayed with a huge can of WD 40, I'm thinking like much larger than a 55 gallon drum.

    Here's what happens sans the WD 40 coating as condensation forms and turns to ice which then gets too heavy, pressure is lost, and continuity fails:

    (Don't tell anyone I showed that to you.)

    So tonight is the big test.
    I'm going to spray the entire shower with WD 40 before my wife takes her shower.
    Then I'll wait for the cries of joy and exaltation as the water and scum magically refuse to adhere to the shower walls!
    "No more sqeeggeeing," she'll shout, then run into my arms. "My hero," she'll say.

    I can't wait.
    Then I'll call my stockbroker in the morning and buy up all the WD 40 stock.

    I know, you have your doubts.
    But, don't worry I have a back up plan.....Rain X!
    mysticblu21, scratcho and ~Zen~ like this.
  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    @MeAgain that's some of the funniest stuff I've ever read!

    Here I am very lucky to be able to leave the shower door open so it doesn't get wet... so no need thankfully for the squeegee.

    Back east it seemed everyone had shower curtains, no squeegee needed.

    Here in Mexico everything is tile and glass... the upstairs shower has about four acres of glass needing the squeegee.

    Last house I lived in the water was so hard it left almost impenetrable residue on the glass. I used everything from CLR to straight vinegar on it, then finally had to just scrape it off with a razor blade. Tedious work. But I got my deposit back when I moved out.

    I think RainX mught be better than WD-40 as that stuff stinks. But it works as you say...and prevents rockets from exploding.
    mysticblu21 and MeAgain like this.
  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I do mine with a towel - which is problematic because on weekends I jog like 4 times. The towel does not dry in between...

    The point? I hate the squeegee. LOL. I had one. It broke. I replaced it eventually, but in the time it took me to get a replacement in the mail (there was actually a warranty - OXO I think...) I learned to do it with a towel. I gave my parents the squeegee - they have the same ideas about cosmic order as Mrs. @MeAgain. ;)
    ~Zen~ and mysticblu21 like this.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    You could plumb the shower so that it sprays WD-40 instead of water... The shower would forever be clean.

    (because nobody would use it)
  5. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    And I wouldn't need a rain coat or hair slick stuff

    ~Zen~, mysticblu21 and scratcho like this.
  6. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    I took your proposal and I posed it to the team, Research and development were on side, hell, I even had the attention of the board of directors..... even before we began to crunch the numbers........ it was a great idea!

    Then I got to the third criteria........
    “Must make wife happy”

    ~Zen~, MeAgain and mysticblu21 like this.
  7. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    That looks like George Clooney!
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  8. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Sounds like you're on to a winner there @MeAgain !

    Unfortunately I won't be your first customer as I have a shower curtain :)
    mysticblu21 likes this.

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