My jewish mindset :)

Discussion in 'Judaism' started by moonlightdelerium, Jul 1, 2006.

  1. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    Okay, well, I'm not exactly jewish, I definitely identify with the jewish people but my family does not practice judaism in any way. I was seriously considering a conversion for a couple years and kept extremely kosher for a little gentile girl living in the styx. I wrote to two rabbis on a regular basis and then just said to myself, you know, you're still young, you've got lots of time to figure yourself out, don't resort to religion to soon. Anyway, we're french Canadians and my dad takes a lot of pride in this so tonight when I was playing he wanted me to sing house of the rising sun. He kept saying "maison de le Soleil qui se leve". However, what I was hearing was "maison de le soleil kislev". I kept going, how do you even know that word dad? Its so funny to me that my mind was in a more jewish state of mind than french when I'm french! So strange. Just thought I'd remark upon it.
  2. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    Il a rien de mal avec ca! Moi, je suis en amour avec la musique Klezmer de votre culture, c'est un de mes genres favories! Shalom et Bonne Soire!
  3. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    Serieusement, j'ai vraiment le respect pour les juifs, ca c'est la raison que je suis tellement hante avec toute qui a de fait avec les chose juif.
  4. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    All I said is I have a lot of respect for the jewish people, looking on their history and whatnot, its incredible.
  5. AfricaUnite

    AfricaUnite Member

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    I was raised catholic and I considered converting for a while myself, I visted a synegauge (sp?) once. Judaism seems like a very fulfilling religion to me. Ive since decided to just take a break from all religion, I feel that as long as you help others and live a good honest life (which is harder than advertised) everything will work out for you in the end.

    No one knows what happens when our bodies expire and it seems all the religions are claiming they know. Intentions are generally good with most religions (to get people to live together in peace) but they end up being tools used against us.

    Just my opinion, mad respect to the Jews, they have my vote for most devoted followers.
  6. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    Well, Africa Unite, isn't that like Judaism in a nutshell? Deed over creed.
  7. AfricaUnite

    AfricaUnite Member

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    ha! its hard to put a whole religion in a nutshell but "deed over creed" is one of the ideas that attracts me to judaism,that and the beards. For now though being single from religion is like being single in terms of a relationship, no strings, no hassles.
  8. moonlightdelerium

    moonlightdelerium Senior Member

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    Thats very well put (oh, and the beards are definitely a huge part of my attraction to the religion, not that I can grow a beard, but I've ALWAYS loved a guy with a beard). Now that I'm not following judaism (or any religion, except for my own personal religion of kindness and consideration... consequentialism as well). Judaism is definitely more than 'deed over creed' as I said before, but that seems to be the underlying theme beneath it. I mean, the mitzvot, shabbat, kashrut, its all walking the walk instead of talking the talk which I really respect.

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