Hi, me and my gf have been together a few months. She is 22 and has slept with 15 men, she says my penis is the biggest she's had, at almost 7 inches, does anyone think this could be true or is it doubtful? Also is 15 men a lot for a 22 year old?
15...that is a done of guys, what is wrong with her? Nah just kidding. Average male is 5.5" and who cares what she did before you.
I'm sorry (?), but I have to say that it's pretty unlikely she's never had any bigger in that amount of guys, and she's probably just trying to make you feel good. Girls know how damn insecure most guys are about their size, and they wouldn't hear the end of it if they managed to make a guy feel worse about it, so they just choose not to go there.
Only one man in nine has a penis as long as 7 inches, so this could be. (Just call me the penis statistician.)
I know that's basically what the statistics say, but I have my doubts. I've known a few women who have gone through a significant number of men, and according to them, it certainly seems more common than 1 in 9 to find someone over 7" (which isn't even THAT big, although I know I'm biased seeing as the only dick I have surpasses that length). So would it be down to statistical error, or are better-equipped men just more likely to be promiscuous?
Girls will lie rabidly to defend mediocre penises, until they're out of the relationship, then you become one of the little guys who makes her current guy feel better. Why the fuck do you care? Stop being an insecure bitch, how the hell do either of you know that number, anyway?
Women know better than to tell a lover that someone else was way bigger, which to a man could mean ---way better. Probably.
You just said it, a woman who had a significant number of men... 15 men is not a significant number tbh, most girls I know had more than that (and sometimes a LOT more than that)... And no they're not sluts or prostitutes, just normal girls who enjoy(ed) their youth and enjoy sex. Don't worry about it, if she likes you it's all that should matter. Also, tell yourself you'll benefit from her "experience"... which is great for you, lucky guy.
Fighting the urge...fighting the urge.... Oh, hell How many of those 15 have been in the past few months?
Bassline514 (how the hell do you quote posts on these new forums, btw?), I know that and it's not me who was seeking for reassurance, as I prefer experienced women; no reason not to if you're confident in your own abilities. OP seems to be in a different boat judging from his willingness to believe both in her confessing to sleeping with 15 men at the start of their relationship (with the real number probably being higher, not suggesting there's anything wrong with that, but you gotta spare the feelings of insecure men sometimes) AND that she's never seen any bigger than 7 inches.
Oh well, keeping in mind that the average penis is around 6 inches we can imagine it could be statistically possible to never have any bigger than that. I can imagine a girl could keep stumbling every single time upon guys with "modest" penis sizes... but I also think it's highly improbable. Women know how much men can be sensitive on that issue, hence why they usually avoid to say something that could hurt them or make them feel insecure.
Many people measure the wrong way. For instance, if you make the mistake of measuring along the bottom (man standing position) or the side, you will get a measurement that is too long. The right way is along the top, from tip to the public bone. It's OK to press into the fat pat that covers the public bone.
K, assuming this isn't a troll post. A- Who cares about size of penis. As long as it's not too big or too small, ego shit...eh, whatever. Work it. B- The past is the past. If you love someone you don't care.
Having a big one does not necessarily make you a good lover. It counts, a lot, but it's not the be all and end all. If you're not pleasuring her, she'll be looking for number 16 real soon. Have fun just the same. And tell me, how many lovers have you had? Do you think your gf's a slut because she's "already" had 15 lovers. Come on... who cares. As long as she gets tested regularly.