Don’t know about yours, but I love mine. A good 6.5”c not thin and I’m cut. Add that it’s shaved and I love having it used or playing myself.
I've been told by a lot of women I have beautiful genitals. They say my cock's not too long. Not too big around. It's just the right size. Shaved bare my scrotum hangs nicely below the shaft just ready to be fondled. I've tried to downplay it and questioned their comments saying that they're just being nice. More than one has gotten agitated that I would think that way. So I accept that I have beautiful genitals. My nice firm erection feels great jutting out from my body. I like it so well I even adorn it with jewelry of various kinds. Wearing a glans ring right now actually. Yes, I love my male genitalia. Don't want it any other way.
I have a very average 6" penis but I've been told it's thicker than most. Even before puberty I've hated the way my penis looks. It didn't have a lot to do with other boys or men. It's about how I see myself. I'm definitely a grower and was body shamed at a young age by my grandfather. Go figure. Some guys dye their hair because they don't want to be gray. Some guys tan because they don't like being pale. I hate the way my penis looks, to the point of cutting the end of it with a razer when I was a teen to thoughts of completely cutting it off. I had a bad accident a few years ago and had nurses doing everything for me until I was able to take care of myself. This included starting a catheter when I was in to much pain to get out of bed, showering me and wiping my ass after going to the bathroom. I have no issues with being naked around anyone but still don't like the way I look.