So, friend and I decided to trip. We are both 18. Hes an experienced pothead who smokes weed, i would say every two day or so, and i never lit a cigarette before. We didnt know much about shrooms so we got, what they say - "portion" each. It was pretty much a rip off.. 1g for about 18 dolars in US(dont know how is in your country"). Shrooms looked like fucking shit. Old and dry. We were like thinking that shrooms would make us halucinate and stuff since some friends told that from their experiences. Anyway, so we went to some big public park near the lake and took them (2pm). The day was awesome, sun now and then but no rain and wasnt cold really. We went walking about an hour after because neither of us felt anything. As soon as we started walking, legs were like heavier than before. We werent normal but not even close to what people have told that would be. So we decided to move from park. On our way to bus station, we laughed at every fucking man we passed by. I dont know really why...maybe just realizing how everyone looks so damn funny. We made it to the bus. Everyone in the bus looked serious and lonely and there were us, two idiots who couldnt stop laughing at each other and considering jump from the 15m bridge(we were looking at) would be a fun thing to do after the bus. Again, on our way to new park, we were laughing at everying we saw. As soon as we got to new big park, we laid down because of heavy legs. Again and again and again we were laughing at everything. But the funniest one was when I typed "Dirk Kuyt ugly" in the google. We could breathe of laughter. Then, there were some local boys pretending to be Indians(America) and playing Indian music on spekears desperately try to earn money. They reminded us of Prophet unit in Empire Earth 1/2 who said similar words and summoned an earthquake or vulcano. It was just hilarious. We were thinking how fucking funny it must be for god to watch all the people. Like a video game, zoom and watch everything. After about 30 minutes in park, we decided to visit his friend who was working near the park. He is just as pothead as my friend is. His nickname whole life was (ironicaly) - Shroom. The best part is that he fucking looked like one. Out of all people we saw, he was the funniest for me. I fucking cried of laughter. His voice, behavior and look indicates that weed somehow is bad for you. Friend asked him if a toilet is near and he pointed us to some health care building. We entered inside but couldnt go in the toilet because it was locked and required keys. Just hilarious how people were looking at us. So we were like just walking and laughing, remembering the good times. We sat at some bench and started talking about more ethnical questions like who are we, what is life about and similar and just as we were talking, bird shit on him. For the fucking 1573th time, I laughed. At that time, we were normal again. On our way to home, we passed the bus station and noticed how all the people looked like zombies. Unhappy, lonely, exhausted. We asked ourselves question - is this really worth living for ? Is it better to live 35 years and die as an addict or live 80 years going through hell and regret spending life on work ? Anyway, very fun experience. Shrooms lasted for about 3 hours. Looking forward to another, hopefully to stronger with halucinations, trip. Feel free to comment, would like to hear your experiences