satan is the one true almighty god, sitting on a throne up above. I confess it, I hope every ear on Earth and in the Universe, hears me. I'm on my knees, confessing it: satan is the one true almighty god.
satan is a word humans invented, for something of which humans have no knowledge. god is a more generic term, origeonally a mere contraction of the word good. also for things of which humanity had no direct knowledge. what is the point of your knees? supposing your idea of a satan were the god of all the universe and everything in it, what concern for would it have for, nor gratification derive, from the worship of anyone? the assumption people make, that just because something is greater then ourselves, assuming in this case even that it is, that it would some how have the sleightest desire to be worshiped, has no discernible basis in logic.
I dont know about that.. when I stopped believing in him he disappeared... to me it was just another illusion.
I'm human (sort of). I have knowledge. satan isn't a word, it is a physical entity. More reptilian looking, less human. it is red, lean and muscular. I know because I've seen it. On Earth. And in that place up above, where people jump off the edge to be born on Earth for their Earthly missions. I've never seen Jesus, but I have seen satan. God is the most powerful word in all existence. God has two gigantic, powerful hands. Why it created satan, the god of sexual immorality, I'll never know. hail satan. It has something to do with knowledge. Knee, Knew. Muslims press their foreheads to the ground. They don't know about the knees. They're missing out. Personally, I think the only beings ever truly worthy and deserving of worship are children. I know satan isn't the god of all the universe, but it is the god of this world. Why we have no Jesus Christ guy? :devil: Unless this is supposed to be the Jesus Christ guy :sunny: ? There's warship or worship. Warship is logical, Worship is not? There's prey or pray. Prey is logical, Pray is not? Words, so tricky. Worship is empowerment. I actually hate satan. I was in a bad mood, demonic and sarcastic, when I started this thread. I was throwing a fit. But it's true, satan does sit on a throne up above. And I'm seriously pissed off about it. I need Jesus Christ to walk directly up to me, personally. Face to face. I deserve it. And I want Jesus Christ to kick satan's ass for me. Cuz I hate satan. I hate what it did to me. evil.
What you saw was a Mwanza Flat Headed Agama. I think you would have gotten better responses in "Sanctuary".
hahah, that thing is so cute. I love it. Sort of want to eat it, or at least put it in my mouth. But no, satan looks nothing like that. it's about 5 feet tall. it definitely isn't 6 feet, that's for sure! I placed my half-true confession in the right place. There's no satanic category. Maybe there should be. Oh, the real satan doesn't have facial hair, like the icon has :devil: And it doesn't have horns either. Horny? I don't know. Maybe satan is horny. Or maybe it is an impotent asexual, and that's why it's the god of sexual immorality.
What's the problem? I'm neither a devil worshipper nor an angel worshipper. When I confess I confess to the failure of realizing I WAS guilty. I struggle to believe I am not guilty, and let my conscience carry my way. Take making repairs at home I have procrastinated. I am guilty for fear that I will not do a good job within the materialism. Circomspecting finding my tools at the same time as performing the task at hand is a matter for the almighty to hold in retrospect but the law of Man is thus strong in it's design of forward action. It's a shameful deal, and they make no excuses. I can trust them;.... but I really don't trust THEM, and that is the sum of my confession. F*** H.
You want to put it in you mouth???? thats a freakin lizard!!"]Bill Hicks- Suck Satan's Cock Compilation - YouTube
Interesting, there is the innocence of fatal instinct. Not me this time. I could have been Eddie for Sarah there McClachlan, the neighbour who I had to ask for support. Me this time was the wickedness of the money I paid for the plumber coming for my faucet. :toetap05:
Ya, but if I did I'd get banned. I'm surprised I haven't been banned yet actually since I get banned from practically everywhere I go. I can say this though: there's nothing sexier, in all the world, than Religion. If haters only knew...
I'm sure I don't understand but it sounds very interesting. I fail to see the guilt, sin, crime or fatality (aside of a defunct faucet, that def sounds like a fatality, of some sort).