i took about about 185 but maybe about eighty of them were a differnt species from the others were (the hudred were inkspots). i got no effects from them at all ? does anyonne know why ?
did you crush them completely and then do a cold water extraction or did you just chew a bunch of seeds and choke 'em down? If you did the latter, well there's your problem right there.
oh ok thanks i did chew and swallow . i'm gonna do the cold water extraction nect time but maybe with haiian woodrose seeds if i can get any
Yup, most critters don't digest hard seeds very well, that way when they go crap somewhere the seed is all prepped, nice and warm in a glob of fertilizer. :2thumbsup: doing an extraction is the best way and greatly minimizes gastric distress.
yeah lol will it work if i did it by crushing them up, putting them in water for an hour or two and then filtering ?
I went out last night and bought about 200 seeds for it .when i got back to tge care home staff took pretty much all of them.
i ate like 500 seeds, they were heavenly blues too at least thats what it said on the title when i bought them, anyways i had ground them all up in a pepper grinder and that made it a lot easier to chew up, but the effects were nothing really. My eyes didn't even get huge.
Morning glories tend to be random in LSA content (some seemingly not having any at all). Most are weak, and I usually don't notice effects with doses less than 500 seeds. I'm not sure if they've lost potency due to storage or other factors, but the ones from the garden store are always crap (at least for me).
I have ate morning glories before, and they always work ha... I've chewed them up and just straight up swallowed them whole, and I tripped... I've ate anywhere from 4 to 10 grams... i like them lol.