M/F? in a relationship/single? How ofter do you have sex per week? How ofter do you masturbate on your own per week? How many of those masturbation sessions include porn?
M/F? M in a relationship/single? Married How ofter do you have sex per week? 0 How ofter do you masturbate on your own per week? 4 How many of those masturbation sessions include porn? 50/50... I have a vivid imagination
M/F? M in a relationship/single? Married How often do you have sex per week? maybe once How often do you masturbate on your own per week? 5 How many of those masturbation sessions include porn? All
M/F? in a relationship/single? married How ofter do you have sex per week? at least 3 times a day How ofter do you masturbate on your own per week? 4 or 5 times a day How many of those masturbation sessions include porn? 1
M/F? M in a relationship/single? single How ofter do you masturbate on your own per week? oh boy, somewhere over 10 How many of those masturbation sessions include porn? all of them, too hard to get off otherwise
Married 2-3 times(opposite shifts so we really only have the weekends right now haha) 4-5 times and naw
M Single N/A....no sex for me in about 3 1/2 years I would say, about twice on average. But i go through moods where i might a few times or more in a couple of days, and then not for a few weeks. Almost always