Hey friends, I came across something called "chocolate mushrooms". It's four varieties of mushrooms "B +", "Z" "Golden", "Mexican". That they are ground together and put into chocolate, and he claims that in each chocolate there is a gram and a half of total mushrooms. Is it recommended to mix four varieties of mushrooms? What can be the results?
I've never heard of "Z" but the other 3 are all Psilocybin Mushrooms, so effectively it would be the same as taking more of any particular strain. There might be some variance in potency and the amount of psilocybin/psilocin between strains but preparation should be the same as if it was one mushroom strain. Assuming "Z" is also a strain of Psilocybin, they all metabolize and activate the same brain receptor sites. Magic Mushroom trips in general can elicit a wide range of experiences, I would prepare with that in mind rather than be concerned about getting a qualitatively different experience due to the different strains.
I would not trust chocolate from a dealer you don't know well. It's very easy to under or over dose. No harm in mixing strains though.