The "missing law" of nature was here all along ( These idiots are so used to playing around with words, like so many fucking lawyers, they're attempting to declare mathematics a "missing" law of nature. The sad fact is, a superficial examination of dualism makes it obvious it is self-contradictory, while the principle of identity is vaguely tautological, and all these idiots would rather pull crap out of their ass then admit their logic doesn't describe reality. Evidently, they found a Functionalist Philosopher in Colorado, who convinced them all that playing around with words like "function" and "novelty" is the way to make progress. Its just more proof that they're censoring half of fucking reality now, and paying people to spout bullshit about their "progress". The simple fact is, all of the physical constants are turning out to be questionable, while their math is wrong and they know it, so they're spouting more desperate lines of crap as time goes by. Functionalism is the succor to Behaviorism. Behaviorists couldn't reconcile the fact we have minds, and thoughts, with our behavior, so they invented Functionalism, and now they're trying to transform their Functionalism into Behaviorism. Quantum Cognition has established, our brains are quantum mechanical, and Behaviorists are idiots, who should run their experiments on each other first.
Todays stupidity, witnessed first hand. When the computer mouse does not work, despite banging it on the desk. It is a good idea to check that it is connected to the computer, before throwing it in the bin.