My grocery store just started selling milk in glass bottles. The deposit is $1.95. I also heard that one of the milk companies is now offering home delivery again. Any other states still do this?
Hello, I still remember primary school when the milkman opened the doors of his delivery van and this rancid whiff came out . Regards Gyro
I remember milk delivery. One of the houses we lived in had this little door (compartment) in the side of the house that opened on the outside and inside. The milkman would leave the milk in there and we would get it from inside the house.
Milkmen have reappeared in England (not of the backpassage variety). The supermarkets started selling milk really really cheaply. And demanding the farmers sell it them ridiculously cheaply. The farmers realised it was killing their business. So they said "stuff it, we'll deliver ourselves again". And good luck to them, they can make a profit again. Just goes to show how people ie supermarkets can abuse supposedly free markets and have ridiculous over-cumbersome distribution systems. Would be nice to have much more fresh, local, organic meat and vegetables too.
Supermarkets practices only work because consumers buy the cheapest and most convenient shit. They do however (at least over here) making more of an effort to sell more fresh and local products and organic meat too. But hey, if 80% of the customers don't go for those products they will not totally get rid of some of the more dubious products either. Not saying that the cheap milk price is admirable in any way, but it's not only the supermarkets that are to blame. By the way, not sure how that would work out in the long run but exporting milk products (to China for instance) has been most profitable for (at least dutch) farmers in recent years.
5 dollar deposit on the bottles where ive seen it?....they use those old fashioned really thick glass bottles and only come in fed cows ...milked by nuns....sleep on feather beds type of milk
I haven't seen anything here like that. Not in the big stores. Our apartment building is old enough that there's a milk delivery box for every apartment. They're welded shut, though.
Some of the smaller dairies sell milk in bottles. Two that come to mind are Pittsford Farms Dairy and Byrne Dairy. The former is local, and I believe the latter is based only in upstate NY. I don't really drink milk these days, but I can attest to it tasting so much better in glass.
Horizon organic milk tastes so much better than regular milk. Too bad its so expensive. I heard that farmers are really getting raped by the corporations that distribute the goods. The farmers produce the shit, but these big corporate bullies get to take all the profits which forces reduce costs as much as they can.
milk delivery does not exist here (of course not much of anything does). it also has never existed in my lifetime in any place i've ever lived.