I think I did it wrong. So, I just made a post in another thread about that girl who via text pressured her boyfriend to commit suicide because I didn't want to make a new thread. I posted it there because I thought it was a general chat thread. However, upon examination... I now think it's a general chat thread about weed, not a general chat thread. So, whatever... I'm making the thread now. Sorry, for anyone I have hurt because of my mistake. ANYWAYS, what are you guys' thoughts on this trial, and this woman?
I don't know if she be incarcerated or not I mean the boyfriend allegedly spoke of suicide non stop and from what I've read in a sort of way she was a caring person even though speaking him through the suicide. But still fucked up I just don't know if you could go to jail for that. I don't know. You just hope she regrets that every day, this dude killed himself because you asked him to and caressed him into it and now he's no longer here. On the other side of the coin what fucken whacko partner tells their partner to do that without any malice intention. See now I'm just getting pissed off reading it.
I live here in Massachusetts so I’ve been following the trial closely and I’m really looking forward to hearing the judge’s decision which he will announce later on today. If I were the judge I’d find her guilty of Involuntary manslaughter and sentence her to 10 years in jail Hotwater
I think if she wasn't a good looking white girl, this trial wouldn't be as popular as it is. So, that's one thing I want to note. Whether the pretty white girl is a victim or a perpetrator... she is the one that gets publicity. As for my thoughts on the case itself, I'm tore. Part of me thinks she is guilty because regardless of someone wanting to die... you never have the right to encourage them to kill themselves. I also don't think people have the right to encourage someone to live, but that's another story. Also, the texts were really incriminating, because she was really encouraging him to kill himself. I don't understand how she could have encouraged him to kill himself, considering that was her boyfriend. Normally, you don't encourage those you love and care about to kill themselves. So, that was really weird, and another reason why I think she is guilty. Maybe she is criminally insane, because I just don't think any sane person would do that. The other part of me thinks she is not guilty simply because he really wanted to die, and she was just supporting his decision to do that. I mentioned in another thread that I think we should establish an organization for assisted suicide. In this organization there will be professionals who support and help you in your decision to commit suicide. Because let's be real here, some people have horrible lives that they can't fix or deal with. For some people, this isn't a matter of getting help or thinking positive. Life is worse for some people and better for others. Problems are scaled, from not too bad to really bad, and some people have not too bad problems while others have really bad problems. Some people have all the luck and others do not. Also, we all have the right to do whatever we want with our lives and bodies. When I mentioned my ideas... I did get some flack for it, because suicide is so, SO fucking frown upon. But, some people want to die. They really, really want to die. And it would be nice to have support, as well as help in how to do it. I wouldn't mind that. I also think my little organization will prevent suicide, because if people have the opportunity to die... they might think twice, and reconsider. I don't know, like a little bit of reverse psychology, but not really. So, I'm tore. I'm leaning more towards guilty, though. Because at this moment in time there is no organization like that. So, at this moment in time society tells us that it's very bad to encourage someone to kill themselves. And she should have known that, because most people do. The only reason I can imagine that she wouldn't have known that is if she is considered insane. So, maybe she is found guilty, but criminally insane. On a last note, when I was 14... I was talking to this girl that constantly talked about wanting to die. As would most people, I gave her advice on how to fix her problems, because that's the reason why she wanted to die. So, if she talked about feeling fat, I would give her advice how to lose weight. If it was something more severe, like depression... I would give her the empty... "You should seek mental health services" line, because I couldn't help her. Basically, I said the typical stuff most people would say. And she would give me the typical responses of nothing is working, she tried this and that, but it didn't work, she has no one, etc. It was a rebuttal after a rebuttal with every idea, advice, and anything I said to her. So, I finally told her if she cannot fix, and/or deal with her issues then I think it's okay to kill yourself. After that, she completely changed. She went off on me, telling me how evil I am for telling her to kill herself. Then she proceeded to tell other people that I told her to kill herself. And those people told me off. Basically, I was bullied up the ass. Point is, that not only do none of us have the right to tell someone to live or die, but for our own safety... we shouldn't do that either. All you can do in situations like this is listen.
We'll know the outcome within a matter of hours. She and her counsel may have made a mistake by dismissing the jury in favor of a judges ruling but we shall see .... http://boston.cbslocal.com/2017/06/15/michelle-carter-verdict-teen-texting-suicide-trial-conrad-roy/ Hotwater
I’m not at all surprised she was found guilty and as I stated before she would have been better served with a 12 panel jury, because the case goes towards elements of free speech and people have a wide range of varying opinions. In Massachusetts the maximum she can serve is 20 years for involuntary manslaughter but given her age the judge will almost certainly cut that in half and with good behavior she’ll be out in 3-4 years. We'll find out in August. Hotwater
I had not heard of this until i read it here, but after reading all I could stomach on the net, it seemed she kept goading him to do it, and seemed disappointed that he did not do it yet. On the last day, he got out of his vehicle to text her and she told him to get back in there. Seems to me, he did not want to disappoint her any more. I am glad she was found guilty.
I'm very surprised that she was found guilty. As shitty as Michelle Carter's actions were, the judge has set a dangerous precedent.
youfreeme, maybe ....maybe not. I think the judge is sending a loud message, though, that people should be mindful of what they say to others, too. Some people can take a lot of shit and eventually give it back, but other people are very fragile and words can hurt as much as anything else and put them over the edge. haven't people on the internet committed suicide because of bullying, for instance? I think this should be taken case by case, examining all of the facts and with the internet much can be examined...as words people say are right there. In this case, there was too much of her pushing him to do it...too much, and he was emotionally fragile, as it was. I do believe in free speech, though, too.. If he had been my son, I would want some justice....some learning...something...It is very sad, all around.