Has anyone dealt with meth withdrawals? I have severe depression. I feel like I have no energy. Has anyone here gone through this? What are some good ways to deal with it? I used for a few days, was my first time, probably like a day, then a 24 hour break and then another couple of days. Then, I re-lapsed about 3 days ago. The withdrawals just started to kick in last night and this morning. Haven't been too heavy of a user, so hopefully not too bad?
I have not dealt with it. So I am no expert. But what seems to help with everything else is eating well, eating extra vitamins and minerals and making sure you (ugh, I know you prolly wouldn't want to), exercise some. I'm trying to force myself to exercise as I have stopped my suboxone since becoming pregnant and I have no energy and it helps when I move... I assume it would be the same. If it gets really bad (depression and such), many doctors will rx certain meds just for during w/d's (antidepressants and other things.)
I never used meth but some of my friends did. You`ll make it. just don't take more!! I think the wd-s should go away after a week. Try to relax and sleep and eat yourself full.
Yes this is normal. Meth fucks with your dopamine (body's natural happy drug) in a major way. Watch this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIueQPhBawg"]Meth & Depression (Dopamine) - YouTube I really mean this, you have to heal from meth.
You not using for long, your endorphins should rebalanced soon. As hard as it sounds just try to stay positive knowing you will get back to normal.
His endorphin levels are low because he was also shooting heroin, I think Meth does not interfere with that system in the body. The problem here is dopamine and being tired. some long term users who were able to quit are actually unable to move without the substance. I read reports about a person doing meth for 30+ years and then spending the rest of his life (I think hes still alive) in bed, screaming from pain, unable to move.
It is very physically painful yes. And getting up is nearly impossible even with short term use (as in a month duration).
I was thinking and polishman you are kinda fucked right now.. (no offense) because you were shooting H too. every feel good system in your body is fucked right now. the opiate system can be repaired but for that you need to produce endorphins and to produce them you need to do heavy exercize. Thats not gonna happen because the you are crashing and wd-ing on the meth. When you eat yourself full the feel good pathways that get activated are using serotonin. If you havent been doing mdma then those pathways should be functioning properly. eat.
ah .. yes, coming of meth is rough(the longer your on a binge the worse/ longer it will be) depression, fucks with your emotions sad, cry, it,s even worse for people that already have depression/ mental health problems. but hang in there. within 2-3 days here you,ll have it licked. (for the most part) but the feeling of wanting to use and get high will be there for the rest of your life. ( is for me so far, herion/meth) just gotta tell yourself no. remember; new friends, hobbys, anything to keep ya busy. (i even get into cooking big meals.)
meth is a nasty drug. It seems great at first, It seems to make you more confident, more productive and all that, but in the end its far from that. Not gonna tell you not to use meth, as that would make me a hypocrite (tho, I no longer use). It does however mean I know from personal experience the ups and downs of that particular substance. What you are likely experiencing is depleted neurotransmitters, names dopamine, and serotonin, as well as downregulation of said receptors in response to prolonged increased levels of dopamine/serotonin. So, not only is your brain depleted of these chemicals, your receptors are also less sensitive. This is most likely why are are feeling the way you do. I would lay off the meth for a while, I'm not sayin' don't enjoy it on occasion, but pushing it too hard is a trainwreck waiting to happen. Plus all that extra dopamine can cause a very scary psychosis if you do not take breaks and keep redosing for days or weeks with insufficient breaks to let your brain chemistry restabilize a bit.
Serotonin is considered the neurochemical messengers primarily responsible for mood ('body's natural happy drug'). Dopamine is implicated as neurochemical messengers which reinforce behavior. It can provide alertness, arousal and induce pleasure but the reinforcement aspect is what makes it so addictive. If your dopamine receptors are downregulated from abuse, then you may not even experience pleasureable aspects of the drug as much when using but you will still have that reinforcing 'seeking' effect. So IMO the struggle with a Meth addiction leading to depression and stuff is this disconnect between not necessarily enjoying it anymore or knowing that you should stop and yet continuing to crave it. (seek it) Endorphins provide stress relief and pain relief and in this way can indirectly affect mood as well. Abused endorphin levels can cause anxiety. I have never heard this suggested, probably hasn't been studied very much but if you are using speedballs OP, or perhaps even using both drugs within a very close time frame, I'd speculate it not out of the realm of possibility of the reinforcing quality of the dopamine from meth concurrently reinforcing the Heroin use too. So the cumulative effects of both are probably wearing on you at the moment OP. Try and eat well, exercise, find a healthy hobby that can consume some of your time and focus.
Thanks. Luckily only shot meth for three days and then had one little relapse and shot just once. Getting health care soon once I pick a plan. Going to N/A meetings so no alcohol either. Realized I have to stay sober in order to stay clean. Never had a drinking problem, but I don't want to have it help me cause a relapse. I have seen people in N/A clean for 25 or more years and I want that bad. It will suck to not even be able to drink anymore but fuck it.
I hope so. I used for about 2-3 days, first time ever using meth. Then, a little relapse a few days ago, only did one shot. Feeling horrible still, withdrawals really don't kick in until about 2-3 days after the last dose. Took me about two weeks to get straight from the first round. Glad that I didn't become a heavy user. Taking Phelynanine, GABA, a lot of other supplements and amino acids to help my brain chemistry get back on track. Also, St. Johns Wort to deal with depression. Abstaining from all drugs and alcohol.
Last time I used meth was about 2 weeks ago. Back then I used amphs and meth on a regular daily basis. I think it fucked up my nerves, my legs have been tingling and getting numb, got shakes, back pain and my resting heart rate every day is just a bit below 100 BPM. Xanax doesn't even seem to lower it...just hope the shit goes away
So if I read u right u used for about 2 weeks give or take correct? I would not think there would be to many withdrawal symptoms if any other than maybe jonesing for more and mass eating and sleeping.speaking only what I have learned over the last 23years of usage
last time I used "meth" was 3+ years ago (and had been a pretty heavy user for many years, wasting years that I could have been pursuing academics. And it took quite a while before I was quite right again mentally, about 1 year of ceasing usage my brain finally worked itself out, it it gets better from them on. But I doubt that if I did some meth today that I would get any positive effects even after abstaining for so long, just pronounced side effects and psychotic type thoughts/behavior..not really willing to test hypothesis on myself. There is a long lasting tolerance to certain specific effects of amphetamines, but not others, Mostly tolerance to the positive effects (goal oriented behavior, empathy, etc), meaning that the seeking behavior will only lead to more side effects and forms of psychosis. This also means that continuing to use is futile, as once you use for too long, you will never be able to obtain the effects you want, or what it used to be like. But you won't feel quite right for a while, and anhedionia (the inability to feel pleasure, as song that you used to feel emotional, you can't feel anything from it anymore that type of thing), as well as other cognitive problems such as apethy and no motivational drive (likely due to the persons dopamine system being in a pretty screwed up state) is not unheard of among long term methamphetamine addicts after stopping usage, sometimes persisting for many years. Speed is horrible. Continue using and it's only going to get worse, and when you do quit, things are gonna get worse for a while before they get better ... you just have to stick through it, and not fall back into that trap and lose all of the progress you have made.
Meth is horrible to come down from take 2mg of Xanax not more. No More than that though and you'll get some relief.