So I want the and I try anal but I don't she is open to the idea, I sometimes playfully put it in her bum pretending it's an accident but she always laughs and says wrong hole. When we are having sex she doesn't stop me when when I finger her in the bum, is there any way to take it up a notch.
If you get her horny enough she will relax enough to let you enter but you have to be slow at it. I find if I rub my cock along her pussy or along her ass will usually help her then I slowly enter. She will eventually get use to it... But don't demand it all the time.
Use a lot of lube and start with a massage, get the oil everywhere including her ass. Then try and slip it' in
Shyguy84.... Keithrn.... Napman... . A Quick Check Reveals You All Joined On The Same Day, No Surprises There Folks... Cheers Glen.
Lol!! I wonder if this was the same guy with two profiles who was always trying to impress his other profile with how amazing his anal sex was. People are funny.
If she said Wrong hole, she probably means wrong hole,,, like what part of No did you not get? Then again your other profiles tell you to slip it in anyway, go for it and hopefully she don't knock yer teeth out. Some women don't like it but chances are she stick something in yours if you ask nicely. Asking is key, both ways.
Personally, I hate with a passion when a guy "slips things jokily" in places that belong to me. Same goes with a guy that does sexual things in general without asking me. I'm not expecting to be ask if a guy can do every little thing, but anything that is not the norm of sexual activity, should be asked. And I do understand "norm" is a loose term when it comes to sex, but anything you have to "sneakily" or "jokily" slip in or do, is probably something you should ask before doing. So, I think you should just ask, talk, and be open with her. Just to let you know, just because I said I don't like things being slipped in or done jokily/sneakily, doesn't mean I'm for or against anal. So, same goes with your partner saying "wrong hole", that doesn't say anything about her thoughts on anal. There is a difference between the response to a joke or something sneaky over straightforwardly being asked if someone enjoys and/or is willing to do something.
I wish people would just talk...they are so scared, even people who think they are "brave" "tough", etc.... If you tell her I want to have anal sex but I'm so scared that I could hurt you and want it to be pleasurable for us both - you say how you feel and also say that you are thinking about her, and not just her ass!