I masturbate on my stomach and I wanted to create a survey to see who else does (or doesn't) and why! 0. How old are you? 1. Do you masturbate on your stomach (face down)? 2. How often? 3. What % of your masturbation is on your stomach? 4. Why do you do it face down? 5. What do you like about the position? 6. How old were you when you learnt how to masturbate face down? 7. How did you learn? 8. Are you over or under the blankets when you masturbate? 9. Do you wear clothes? Thanks for doing the survey!
I'll start this off: 0. How old are you? 18 1. Do you masturbate on your stomach (face down)? Yes 2. How often? 2 or 3 times a day 3. What % of your masturbation is on your stomach? 100% 4. Why do you do it face down? It's the easiest way for me to orgasm, and it means I can't get caught cause you can't see what my hands are doing 5. What do you like about the position? It's comfy, hidden, and has more pressure than other positions. 6. How old were you when you learnt how to masturbate face down? 6 7. How did you learn? My sister taught me 8. Are you over or under the blankets when you masturbate? Under 9. Do you wear clothes? Yes, normally
0. 20 1. Yes 2. Sometimes 3. Maybe 40% or so 4. Easier on my back and I don’t have to strain as much 5. Is close to doggy position! 6. 13 7. By accident. 8. Under 9. It’s no fun to masturbate clothed!
From doggy straight to anal and finish, that's when you snuggle up and fall asleep contented with a big smile on your faces.
I always masturbate face down, I like the pressure as well. I’m 27 and started so young that my parents thought I had a problem lol. I started seriously between 4-5 and haven’t stopped. I’m literally addicted. They would catch me master bating multiple times a day I was so ashamed all the time. I still do it at least 1-3 times a day with having sex daily with my husband.