Marine proudly admits murdering and torturing innocent Iraqi civilians!!!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by RevoMystic, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    Glad to see someone prepared to back up words with action (not criminal I hope ) . I don't agree with your views ,but I will always stand for your right to have the platform to express them.. However, remember the rights of people who choose to ignore you, and carry on with their lives as you protest ! hindering them makes you just a guilty as the cops if they hinder you .....

  2. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    I assure you, I'm not a criminal (unless you consider smoking pot a crime), and
    thanks man, I'd always stand up for your individual freedoms as well.

    and I guess we do have a fundamental difference in opinion. "Hindering" people (if you're referring to civil disobedience, non-violent street blockades, etc) would certainly NOT make the protesters as guilty as the cops for "hindering" (bashing heads, riding motorcycles into crowds, etc) citizens for expressing their 1st Amendment rights. This seems to be excruciatingly basic to me. I don't understand how any rational thinking human being can even in theory not comprehend these principles.

    The Labor strikers of the 1930s would hang their heads in shame if they heard some of the drivel posted on here by the rightwing and rapidly-diminishing (radicalizing) mainstream.
  3. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    Did they legalize it recently ? or are you from Amsterdam... ?

    If you hinder anyone's right of free movement, you can't expect anything other than those hindered people demanding their right, to have the law reaffirm their rights... nowhere does it say in any bill of rights that you are allowed to block or hinder people just because you feel like it !
    civil-disobedience is still disobedience and that's not your right ... But just because you put civil before something, does not give you the right to pretend that breaking the law is justified ..

    Keep it clean and legal and you'll have my support every time ......

    ""The right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes.""
  4. Templedragon

    Templedragon Peace through Spirit

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    Anyone who considers smoking pot a criminal act should find another forum to post on...cause there ain't nuthin' hip about putting harmless pot smokers in jails and prisons. Perhaps I read your post wrong, if I do I apologize. But jeesh, gimmee a break. I have packed a bowl in this thread's honor. "Excuse me, I must be on my way..." -EXP, Jimi Hendrix Axis Bold as Love
  5. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    Mr templedragon sir, It is plain that you enjoy partaking of the weed, as I do....but we seem separated by a very thin blue line... If I'm apprehended with my fat stash one sunny afternoon, and my ass is thrown in the slammer. I will sit there and accept my punishment, without the need to try and explain the injustice of my present predicament ... what I do ( and you do ) is presently against the law !(I suspect this will change in the not so distant future). but until that time comes I am a criminal, with the right to remain silent !!!!!!!!

    am i not ?
  6. Templedragon

    Templedragon Peace through Spirit

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    soliloquy u r most right bro, it IS illegal. I fortunately or not, am an MS patient and my state has a state law protecting my use of cannabis. It is still against federal law, however. I have seen others state that they have no pity for anyone who is a pot smoker because it is "illegal".

    My apologies if my post was sent in error. I have worked the last 20 years in cannabis policy reform, so I am a bit edgy about people's lack of compassion for those of us ground up in the meatgrinder of the American justice system, which has the emphasis on the system as opposed to the justice.

    Peace, TD
  7. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    My it lighten your load my friend ...................
  8. atropine

    atropine Member

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    i just realised, the topic title says proudly admits torturing, and the post says nothing of torture.. funny how they portray things..
  9. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    "Did they legalize it recently ? or are you from Amsterdam... ?"

    Ha, I figured you'd use that lol. thanks for being so predictable with that. My point was that I don't consider smoking a plant to be a "criminal" activity, whether or not the corporate establishment says differently.

    "civil-disobedience is still disobedience and that's not your right"

    Thomas Jefferson would have a good chuckle at that statement. It's in the Bill of Rights to "deal with" the government should the government become tyranical...which it is now becoming. You have no clue how monumental the times are which we find ourselves, do you.... Anyway I'll have to find the direct quote and then I'll paste it on here. But it goes something like: "should the citizens of this nation grow weary of their government, and structural reform deemed impossible, they must exert their revolutionary *right* to supercede, or overthrow the government which has oppressed them". That's a paraphrase, I'm sure it's worded differently, but that's the basic idea behind it. Please study your history...I know none of us Americans were taught this in grade school and highschool, but we're adults now and can do our own research. We're living in the age of the fourth government body, which is the U.S. corporate media. FOX, which is an utterly anti-american propaganda device (according to the Founding Fathers at least), along with MSNBC, CBS, etc, is dictating what you think you know. And you're falling for it.
  10. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    Wow, there goes my prejudice about those who live in New Zealand being universally enlightened folk! hehe

    I'd say that the maiming, slaughtering, imprisonment, and beating of innocent civilians...victims of the "shoot now, ask questions later" mentality would constitute torture and injustice. Have you no brains to think with?
  11. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., securing inherent and inalienable rights, with powers derived from the consent of the governed], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

    Look ! Thomas Jefferson also said :- "I think the truth must now be obvious that our people are too happy at home to enter into regular service, and that we cannot be defended but by making every citizen a soldier, as the Greeks and Romans who had no standing armies; and that in doing this all must be marshaled, classed by their ages, and every service ascribed to its competent class." --Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 1814

    So !!!!! you want national service do you, or are you only quoting people when it suits you ?

    "We must train and classify the whole of our male citizens, and make military instruction a regular part of collegiate education. We can never be safe till this is done." --Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 1813. ME 13:261

    I'm all for Mr Jefferson ! are you ?
  12. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    Hmm...well I thank you for that tidbit of history...I'd never read those quotes...and certainly not in school. NO, not just when it suits me. I'm a pretty fair guy.
    If those statements aren't edited, or being taken out of context (since "service" could possibly mean a MILITIA to stand guard against the government), then I didn't know that Jefferson radically altered his view in his later years. Seems odd though. The time from 1776 to 1814 must have been rough on him! I don't know...but I can say that I'm all about his views from 1776.
    And um, if you're "all" for Mr Jefferson, then you'd agree with BOTH views, no? Both views being, service of protecting the people from big government and protecting the homeland from outside invaders. Are you for both? Or just for one?

    Also, like anyone on any side of the spectrum (except the elite of course), if we were in fact attacked by an outside army who was bent on destroying innocent lives, I'd fight to the death to protect my homeland.

    So THERE j/k ;)
  13. soliloquy

    soliloquy Banned

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    I am indeed for both, some sort of military training would come in very handy should you need to defend your country, and for those who don't wish to fight, they are completely free to allow them selves and their family to be killed, safe in the knowledge that had they wished they could have defended them selves.
    As for the peoples right to alter or abolish the government should they wish, I feel he did in fact intend to say, should the majority of the people wish , not should the people who are not happy with the government, regardless if the vast proportion of the population is happy ? this I think is clearly against what he felt was fair play .
  14. intercityvisionary

    intercityvisionary Member

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    What do people expect...war is killing and carnedge and for some its very, very, profitable...follow the money trail..those who funds the wars never ever see the blood and bones and banaids. That is what soliders are for, occupied troops of the rich..can the common people hire an army not unless you have the cheddar ($$$), to by them..its sicking and tragic...
    this is a job for "SuperJesus".... or a really big metero...
  15. WE1

    WE1 Member

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    [edited by WE ]
  16. atropine

    atropine Member

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    lol, nah NZ is full of fuckwits..

    i wasnt saying that the iraq invasion hasnt included those things, but the marine admitted to shooting civilians who wouldnt stop approaching their vehicles after warnings.. it never said anything about the marine proudly admitting to torturing civilians, which is what the title portrays.
  17. RevoMystic

    RevoMystic Member

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    "should the majority of the people wish , not should the people who are not happy with the government, regardless if the vast proportion of the population is happy ? this I think is clearly against what he felt was fair play."

    I'd say that a rapidly growing number of Americans are growing disillusioned with the current establishment. I'd say this country is approaching the level of social unrest not seen since the decade that inspired this website.
    Last summer, close to a million people came to New York City to protest against the Republican convention (RNC) which, according to a variety of sources, was the greatest number of dissidents to protest any convention in the history of the nation. This, apparently, wasn't a big enough story to mention in the mainstream news...which uttered not a word about it...just talked about a couple thousand arrests (which were illegal arrests, as shown later...of course again, not by the corporate media). Funny how political ideology decides what gets talked about and what gets buried in the U.S. establishment media, the greatest propaganda machine ever to exist! Although those with savvy eyes can see the cracks in the wall from a mile away. If you're not disgusted, you're either not paying attention or you're a fucking fool.

    So the point is, Jefferson's words from 1776 strike a chord loud and clear these days and will probably intensify over the next 4 years of the Bush/Cheney Empire.

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