i was woundering why there is such a small number of male witches all the people that i know of that are witches are females i see a bunch of people wearing pentagrams and 3/4 of them dont know what they mean.
I know a fair few witches and about 3/4 of them are male. From my experience female witches don't make a thing about keeping quite about it, so I'm not suprised you would think that. Blessings Sebbi
Well, another side of it is that I know a guy who was a witch, but he was into the hex side of things. He's a mad guy. But he doesn't have time for witch stuff anymore. Yeah, it's a bit hard for a guy to explain that witch isn't female! *shrug* It's just their choice if they want to tell anyone, or participate in a coven.
A lot of people wear that pentagram w/o knowing the meaning, I agree... much like a lot of those rapper guys wear a crusifix which I'm sure is more of a fashion statement more than anything. Now, this is just a guess, but I think that maybe the reason why most Wiccans are female is because of the connection to the Goddess is more emphasized than the one with the God... I suppose this really appeals to women more so then men (in all honesty, that's what first brought me to Wicca)... just a guess....
In my experience there are about equal numbers of both, but as an above poster commented, women are more vocal about it, particularly to strangers.
Hmm, I know quite a few male witches and find most community gatherings pretty balanced. Perhaps it's just location. I do think cerridwen has a good point though. I will say this. The hottest Beltane rite I ever attended, two men were blessing each other and I tell ya, everyone in that circle was sweating. Whoowee! I think perhaps it was the single most electric act of power I have ever had the honor to witness.
I male witch, well more pagan then witch. but usually the reason why I think there is less male witches out there because other guys making-fun or beating them and most guys dont see guys doing spells and such as something manly.