Magical Knowledge is a trilogy by Josephine McCarthy a long time experienced ceremonial magician and exorcist. I would recommend at least getting the first book in the series "Foundations" and if you like that then get the others. There are a lot of books that claim to teach you how to become a magician and do magic but this is the best and most well rounded series of books I have ever found after years of buying books on magic. She talks about the pitfalls of magic and how it affects the body and how to develop safely into a magician. I've read so many bullshit books hoping to find something useful to put into practice with very few delivering anything more than skimming the surface of what magic is and how it works. The Magical Knowledge series is a different animal all together and will in time be very well known and referenced in the occult community. She has already quickly gained a huge following and my gratitude for putting together such a great work of magical literature.