this just happened. I just woke Up and I have to write it down. I went to sleep around 2 hours ago. I took ginseng pills yesterday (16 hours ago? ) and Im very sure that these slightly stimulating pills were the reason that I had my most powerful lucid dream today. I kept waking up. Inside my dreams. Over and over again. I was always in interesting situations. traveling, with people I know. The world was always different. I would wake up all the time, then I would realize that something is wrong with the world, then I would get attacked by sleep entities, then I would flee and wake up somewhere else again. At first I thought I was in the matrix. I think I even met some "oracle"... Then when I was out among people all the humanoid visual entities turned into "agents". They were there to get me and they attacked me. I had some interesting kung fu fights actually. I was flying and was able to get away every time. Then I would wake up again somewhere and repeat. I did this at least 30 times. And Each time it was getting more and more intense. One time when I woke up I told somebody inside my dream that I am unable to tell the difference between reality and dream world. And asked for help. (because I thought I was awake and crazy.) But something would always happen. I would accidentally break the law of gravity and fly or run around without getting tired. And every time I realized I was "Neo" I was attacked. by agents. Then one of the teachings kicked in from a movie "waking life". I have tried to watch this move a thousands of times fully but I have always fallen asleep but early on there was a part when they told us how we should check out clocks and try to turn on lights.... And thats what I did. They did not work. so I was finally able to realize that I was asleep. and not crazy or in the matrix... All the visual humanoid entities were closing in on me. Their face was black, their eyes was black and they would attack me. And I told myself to: wake up...wake up...wake up... and I did. The experience was very unpleasant. I felt trapped inside infinity. It lated for a very long time. I had no idea what was going on and I had extreme stress building up. The area inside my mind was interesting. It had web like qualities. Whenever I would fly upwards I would bend space. My vision was interesting too. I had my out of body experience. And everything was fuzzy. The dream was mstly black and white but was sometimes colored... like.. colored by a child. the lines were overlapping. And everything looked hand colored. Dominant colors were black and blue. I still got some anxiety. but Now I have to go back to sleep..... What is the purpose of the angry sleep entities? Why cant I be awake when asleep? Peace and Love!
i don't think there's a purpose, or angry sleep entities, but there are artifacts, i use that term in the way that it is used to refer to unintended results of a process, you know like you look and apicture and there's a line there because a partical of dust landed on the lens of the camera. so the artifacts like that i'm refering to is ambient audio impingment on events experienced in the dream states. kind of like signal interference. and you get this from all sorts of ambient noises. ones that you might be so familiar with you don't even notice when you're awake. and a really big glitch generator, to what we live in our dreams, is when the audio ambient contains content that even our subconscious recognizes as having meaning. and here i'm using meaning in the sense of content in communiction theory. so in otherwords, somebody watching a show on tv or the radio in another room or another house even, or their radio in their cars going by. all of things things can have this affect you discribe. how do i know this? because i've seen witnessed experienced this phenomina many times in my own experience.
Having dreams of being attacked could signify that there is something in your waking life that you need to deal with. Maybe there is something that you are not coming clean about, or something that someone is not telling you the whole truth about. Having a lucid dream is very interesting. I have had lucid dreams all my life. You are able to control what happens in these dreams. Instead of waking up, next time, tell everyone in the dream that they are not the ones in charge of this dream and that you demand to speak the person that IS in charge. When speaking with your subconscious mind, ask it what this dream is all about. Find out what it is trying to tell you. See if you are able to find out that way.