I've had to remove these pictures...was using too much bandwith If anyone would like to donate some space to host from I'll FTP them to you!
a) She will be 18 on 7/2/2004...she's not 15. b) She seems to be going out of her way to get mature attention (e.g. above pictures). c) I'm not obsessed with her...but she is rather attractive...my thread title was just an excuse to post it somewhere
Yeah I'd like to take that for a ride to... Edit: Oh yeah "My tits arent fake and people who talk about them are sick perverts" Uh... what about those those who show their tits
She is smoking hot! If I could fuck anyone in the world, it would be her. And she's 17, not 15. She's fucking gorgeous - great body, great face. She's got it all. She actually seems fairly intelligent, too. Hmmm... And maybe she does wear too much makeup. So what??
damn, she blossomed quick...they almost look fake cuz they're so uppity...they've got that curve at the top of the breast...usually cause by a push up bra or plastic surgery, but she has neither...she's just real blessed, lol. sweet pictures
For some reason, she reminds me a lot of Ginger Spice. She's cute, but forgettable. And... Um, you must be a guy, because the breasts in that dress have DEFINTELY been "helped out", either by push-ups or PS.
You know when you get down to it these kids arent hot until disney decided to pimp them out. Shes not a great actor, not that hot when you get down to it (still wouldnt mind going for it ) and will fade away like the rest of them. Lets just hope Lohan doesnt decide to start singing, cause disney will give her a deal O_O() Ed- Flavor of the month
Access Denied. Bandwidth limit exceeded. Exceeded your Bandwidth quota? Has your hobby grown into a thriving business? Sounds like you need to upgrade from your Personal Web Page to Shared Web Hosting! Damn ISP is limiting them right now...it's all thats on my 'web page' these must be popular pcitures!! Give it a few days until it's July and try again