I took it with me to go to the liquor store idk maybe an hour ago. It was in my front right pocket along with a pen. I stopped in one store to use the ATM but it was out of order so I never reached into my pockets there. Stopped at another store to use the ATM and the last time I remember for sure having it was before I entered the liquor store where I took a puff. I paid for the liquor and didn't reach into that pocket. When I got home I took everything out of my pockets, now I can't find the thing, but Incan find the pen which was in the same pocket so logically it should be on the table next to the pen. Can't find it anywhere. I really hope i did not somehow leave it somewhere! This is how I know I need to get some sleep, and I really do not feel like doing a total shakedown of the apartment to look for it:devil: I've got other ones but they don't taste nearly as good and don't hit the spot like this one did. I don't wanna buy a pack of cigarettes or even a loosie. I haven't smoked cigs in a long time and they are actually disgusting to me now! Ughhhh!
American Spirits? I took a few puffs of an e-cig...it didn't really do it for me, but I don't have much experience.
I am interested in using e-pens to smoke weed. How does that work? Where would you even get the oil from, or do you make it yourself?
My mood just shifted a little more toward shitty. I'm thinking about going back to everywhere I went. Checking the sidewalk in case if fell out but how could it. I even checked the refrigerator and shit. I know the last place i for sure had it. I'm gonna have to walk down there and see if I left it in there. I'm gonna take a flashlight, and that shits gonna look crazy!
If you lost it while you were out, tearing apart the apartment looking for it would be counter-productive...
Nope, I just searched all the way back to the liquor store. He said I didn't leave anything, and I know I didn't. It has to be in here somewhere! I looked everywhere, couch, under the couch. Shit straight up vanished. I call that bullshit. I'm pissed!
I know what I gotta do. I just gotta lose something else, then that shit will show up in the most obvious place...I think I need a nap :/
e-cig or e-anything makes me think of the spring/summer year I ate a lot of ecstasy cause every time we woke up we couldn't do shit because we were e-tarted. what we called it. so hard to make scrambled eggs after rolling all night. something about them eggs. tried a friends e-cig. watch her use it makes me think you gotta be way to desperate to go there. you either smoke the real thing and die, or run from addiction tell something else kills ya early.
i really hate losing shit too. did you tie your shoe at any point? it could have fell out when you bent down to tie you shoe...
Sometimes shit just comes up missing like this. I don't understand it. No, never tied my shoe. and now the other one like it won't work at all for some reason...all I have is my shittiest one but it works. At least i don't have to resort to shooting up the e-Juice..j/k lol I need to stop thinking about this, it's pissing me off and I don't like that feeling....
yeah this is reminding me of my lost winter hat (i left it at a restaurant and the fuckers said it's not there) and my lost pair of glasses.
If you had it in a jacket pocket it could have fallen through a hole and ended up in the inside bottom of the jacket. I lost a lighter that way one time and it took me a while to get it back through the hole once I found out that it was in there, lol.
Ace, I hope you find your e cig , and are feeling better today. I hate losing anything, too....and it drives me bananas....even the most insignificant things sometimes can drive me bananas if I have misplaced them or lost them.....I know how maddening that is.