hello friend, i am married from one year and i m not able to have intercourse yet. just bcoz i dont feel excited and step back when my husband try to insert. what should i do as i am totally frustrated with this trial. plz plz help me
I felt a such when I was younger - I tried (I think even too patiently))) but cannot feel orgasm. I cannot get - what's the reason. Than I started to find for pictures of different girls in www. I looked through a lot of girls profiles on okcupid or originclub.com and that helped me really. Some girls were really gorgeous and it was fantastic to masturbate when seing them)) Try this
Just let him do it maybe after a while it will get better but the more u pull away the more u won't want it maybe u need more foreplay
I hate to sound like a girl but sounds like you aren't emotionally connected with him. Is that the case? If so then the only way it's going to get better is if you get on the same emotional page with him. If you are emotionally connected with him then maybe it has to do with upbringing or some sexual scaring or something maybe even you are suppressing which is causing you to lose interest
You should also have your gyno check out your "parts". Loss of interest in sexual activities can be a symptom of something you may not find out about until you start having other problems.