Looking for Old Hippies

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Burt Walker, Jun 26, 2018.

  1. Burt Walker

    Burt Walker Members

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    Hi All. I'm visiting NM to see my son and two grandsons. I lived in NM twice. Once in the early 80s and once in the early 90s. I went to UNM for undergrad school in the early 80s. I'm currently doing some research for my third novel. It will be somewhat of a historical novel, based in Placitas, beginning in the early 60s through modern times.

    I'm staying in Placitas for another week or so and would love to find some people who lived or grew up here for interviews. Some of the main characters will be based on those who were in one or more of the communes that existed here, then follow through with them through the rest of their lives until now. If you would be willing to participate in some interviews, I would be most appreciative.
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Hi Burt,

    The intro forum is really only intended for introductions.

    If you want to ask some old hippies about being old hippies, you may want to post in the "ask the old hippies" forum.

    It may be more productive to ask people questions on the thread rather than doing formal interviews.
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  3. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Hi Burt

    Welcome to hip forums.

    Newbie-one has given you good advice.
  4. Burt Walker

    Burt Walker Members

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    Oops. I hate to get off to a bad start like that. So sorry. And thank you for the advice.

  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    No worries mate. Good luck with the book
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.

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