Looking for name of town

Discussion in 'France' started by Nirali, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Nirali

    Nirali Member

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    Well, maybe surprise in these forums but I´m not interesting in Paris :D

    It was four years before we traveled through the south France by hitchhike and on the right from the road I saw town builded in rocks. The problem was right in the moment we were in car with some friendly couple of French siblings who said the town is a local rarity. It was late afternoon so we were looking for sleeping place and were glad we have drive-away. And that was the only one reason why I didn´t get out and don´t go there for a visit.

    Now I haven´t got money yet for traveling but still have this thought in my head. I was looking for in the map but maybe I´m blind or what, I can´t find it! It has short name...something like U...Ur...? Something like that?
  2. Nirali

    Nirali Member

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    Maybe it was village :D
  3. psilo9

    psilo9 Member

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    do you know a name of a "big" town near it? it would be simpler to localise it

    see you.
  4. Nirali

    Nirali Member

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    Somwhere around Perpignan, tho.

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