Yep You Read It Right Folks.....GLEN Is Flying To Canada In A Few Hours Time To Make A Claim With The" TD Canada Trust Bank" To Claim $9.2 Million That A Relative Has Left In A Open Beneficiary Status.....(intestate) And Now It's Up To Me To Come Forward And As An Extended Relative Claim The Funds. So It's Not Just All That Money That's Making Me Smile......But The Golden Opportunity To Meet "Spaceman" And "Rollingalong" Face To Face..... . So Put The Coffee On Spaceman......And Rollin Polish Up The Bong Because Your Doorbells Are Going To Ring In A Few Hours Time...... Cheers Glen.
9.2 million you say?? I think i'll take you up on that nude modeling offer after all. You said you would pay me 25,000 an hour right?
Seems The Account Manager Has Done A Little Bit Of Research Because Indeed I Had A Far...Far Distant Cousin Of The Same Name Die In Ontario In 2007.......But He Has A Brother In OZ And I Doubt He Could Fall Off His Perch Without His Brother Knowing...... And His Brother Has The Same Initial As Me......Seems These Guys Go To Quite A Bit Of Trouble Nowadays...... Cheers Glen.
Just Did A Google Search On This Bank And The Bank Is Legit, But The Guy Who Sends Out These Letters Has A Reputation As Long As Your Arm For Elaborate Scams...... Guess Spaceman And Rollingalong Can Sleep Well Tonight....... Cheers Glen.
Funny You Should Say That Because For A Month Now GLEN Has Had A Roo In The Back Paddock.... He Comes Here Every Year At Breeding Season Then Hangs Around For A Couple Of Months. Even Spends Some Time Sitting Of The Veranda......But Leaves Roo Shit Everywhere......I Walk Out At Night Barefoot......Then "Squish" Between My Toes.. :yikes: ...Hope That Wasn't TMI...... Cheers Glen.
Congratulations buddy! Maybe you, me, and Spaceman can get together and play hockey, go ice fishing, throw boomerangs and play didgeridoos together.
Glen, are you off to Nigeria after your Canadian excursion? I understand a prince is looking for you.
We Can Laugh All We Want But Australians Lose Millions Of Dollars To Scams.......And The Sad Part It Is Usually The Elderly That Get Caught By Them.......The Very Ones That Can Least Afford To...... Cheers Glen.
i wouldn't need millions to move up there. just someone with a van willing to give me and my crap a ride, and someplace to move into when i got there. every year, day, minuet and hour that goes by i have less and less trust in living in the u.s.
Agreed Glen, British pensioners are falling for these scams too... Not nice! So if it's true, I'm very pleased for you, but if it's not, then we'll done you for not calling for it.. Wish I got a letter like that though.
Not True.....Total Scam.....Could See That From The Moment I Opened The Letter At The PO... Cheers Glen.
Dirty cheats is all they are.. I had a phone call from Nigeria, horrible man, but I sure did enjoy upsetting him by telling him he was my nephew and how bad he brought shame on the family.. I just rolled it off, he was almost crying, so was my friend sitting listening.. it's their own fault!
Hello Glen, Although I grew up in the United States my family resides in Nigeria, and because of the terrible currency devaluation in their country, they need to transfer their money out of the country. Can they use your bank account to hold their money? If so, they'll give you 10% of their fortune. They just need access to your bank account to set up the transfer. Hotwater
Oh and while you're about it Glen, due to Brexit pounds sterling are worth shit here in Blighty too. Could I transfer my overdraft and credit card debt to you? You'll be quids in, honestly.
Would love the snow of Canada, though I get the feeling I would piss Spaceman off quite a lot. There are two people I would love to meet, both on the west coast of America. Would be fun.