BWAHAH He felt the need to send me a pm of someone flipping me off.BWAHAHAHA I love it.OH and thanks for the good rep point thingy.Oh yeah I really think I'm "bad ass." BWAHAHAHHa
LMFAO why are you so worried about what I do? If i didn't piss you off why would you send me a pic of your ugly mug? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaa oh and what is "intertaining?" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
OH,now i'm the immature one,huh? Last night i was minding my own drunk business posting away,when you started replying "shut the fuck up" in everyone of my post.DO I KNOW YOU? NO!!! I guess you were feeling a bit childish and thought it would be funny eh? Well,I can play with the best of them,man. HAAAAAAAAaa this was fun... c'ya around hip forums,eh!
Do you know me? NO!!! Last night you were retarded making posts that were useless. Today when your "sober" your still a fucking retard.
Who the hell taught yall how to be hostile over the net? Please flame accordingly, or don't flame at all. It's an embarrassment to hall of fame flamers.