Hi I have to minimize my "setup" as much as possible. I don`t really have a home, and I need to leave my current residence asap. I have no privacy anymore and the room Im renting has been rearranged. I need to pack all my shit up and make it fit into a bag. and get the fuck outta here! asap. anyone has experience living out of a suitcase? I can probably crash on a couch and maybe I can put my address somewhere else.. the problem is my stuff. anyone had any experience living out of a suitcase only? every comment is appreciated. Peace
Well, when I moved to Seattle, I just took a backback and a small duffle bag. So I pretty much had only a few pairs of clothes and a journal/pen. I just washed the clothes at a laundromat when they got dirty. I couch surfed for a while until I found a place. How much stuff do you have? I'd just sell it on craigslist and keep the couple of pairs of clothes in the suit case. Or can you keep some stuff at a parents house or friends temporarily? Although I think people don't usually want to store stuff for others, so I think your best bet is to get rid of it and make a couple of bucks.
I think that blog "The 4 Hr Work Week" mentions all this. Or atleast a blog thats like that one. I definitely remember reading that article tho. All about having one laptop, using email only (no letters) and no kitchen equipment, so it recommended only eating out and stuff. And having a limited number of flexible clothes. It was a bit weird. But what are you planning to do? Travel and stay in hotels or what?
motherfuckers even took my chicken from the fridge.... I got no food left.. Ill try to sell my shit. I know people, I got a job.. I can crash on couch. just not for long.. Fuck my life seriously im so tired and hungry Im about to pass out . and they stole my food my landlord is my worst enemy. he noticed that I was trashing the apartment so now HE COMES INTO MY ROOM EVERY DAY TO SMELL MY DIRTY UNDERWEARS or something perverted like that... he messes with them. seriously.. packs my shit.... and I pay rent on the first day every month.. he jacks off into my bathtub.. this is what i get..happenefd before tho. he just comes in and rearranges the whole room. just fo fun..motherfucker
You could always pawn your stuff, Like a short term storage place lol. That way you don't have to sell and have however many days it is at a pawn shop. That's sucks ass dude, Feel sorry for ya and karmas a bitch to people like that. But, Im an asshole so when I would leave, Leave him a pair of undies for fun, But make sure there is shit in them or just shit on the floor and cover it with his treasures. Good luck to you, Hope everything turns for the better
Or call/go to a couple churches and ask them if they have a corner in a back room for all the stuff for 30 days or less. Churches are always there to help if they can, Well some.
The guy likes his underwear so much, And messing with him and stealing, A piece of shit deserves a fresh pile! lol
Who the hell is this that's taking your food? What are the details here? Sounds to me like someone is doing crap to you and they ain't got no right to. Open up bro, so we can help.
Rent a monthly storage container for your furniture/clothing items. then go to the post office and rent a PO Box for your mail. The only other remaining item is YOU; where will you sleep each night? Hotwater
I got friends. Workmates. and my sister lives nearby. I can crash on couch. no problem.. Tho I feel like everything is fine now. I found my landlords valium. he keeps it in the cupboard next to his viagra. so Im positive about the future. every time he tries to pull some fucked up shit ill eat his pills. I really need to sell my shit tho. and get rid of the useless clothes. and get the fuck out of here. Thanks for all the posts. I'm gonna try to move to a new apartment. and so.. the struggle and search for a new home begins... Peace !!
landlord takes my food. tells me its old. but I bought it 2 days ago. roasted chicken. the mofo just threw it out. and I pay my rent on the 1st day every month. and he just messes with my stuff. and i cant fight with him cuz I have to get my shit together before I can move. anyways the subject is about living out of a suitcase. what is the most important item I must have? anyone goes backpacking here ? and living form backpack for months? Peace!
Maybe rent a room that has a private entrance and keep your shit to yourself, like a fridge and a hot plate. Evidently your LL lives in the same house as you. OR---get a place that rents with a landlord off the property..
Ok...I'm trying to understand this. Your landlord has access to your fridge and food. You, OTOH, have access to your landlord's scripted dope. WTF? This is what I don't understand about this. Are you guys roomies? If so then the LL is really a roomie, and the rules are different then. BF/GF? Get a marriage counselor and work on your differences. A marriage counselor is not just for the married. BF/BF? Get a marriage counselor and work on your differences. A marriage counselor is not just for the married. GF/GF? Get a marriage counselor and work on your differences. A marriage counselor is not just for the married.
I second this. For me it is also conditioner and hair product, face wipes, plenty of clean socks and underwear, bodywash and deodarent, phone, laptop computer, 2 pairs of shoes, raincoat, my favourite books and my make up.
If you want to sell most of your stuff and get rid of the useless clothes and essentially all you have fits in a suitcase... what are you exactly asking? Because if your stuff fits in your suitcase and you have places to crash I don't see the problem :biggrin:
Nylon clothes work best, easier to keep clean and dry quickly. Avoid jeans as they take up room and are hard to clean. Use a swim suit as you don't need underwear, top that with a pair of lightweight ski pants, no lining. Two tee shirts, one for everyday, one set aside for when you need to clean-up. Flip flops for shoes. Two bandanas for clean-up. Keep the wet one in a zip lock bag, use the dry one for whatever. A kitchen towel is also handy. Dry instant oatmeal is a good source of food. It's cheap, lasts forever, is light and easily packed, and can be eaten dry if necessary. Hobo soup can be made out of free packs of restaurant catchup and water. Crackers can be added if available. You'll need a spoon, plastic cup, nail clippers, toilet paper, toothbrush and a small tube of backpacker's soap. Salt can be used for toothpaste. A can of deodorant works as a ten second shower. Cold weather means you'll also need a coat, hat, and warmer shoes. Visit Good Will or the Salvation Army store. A survival blanket folds up nicely. Carry everything in a small backpack.